Chapter 12: Family

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Flames. Energon blasts. Screams. Battle cries.

A glaring black mask and two pained blue eyes.

The ground shook violently again and she screamed, her little fingers reaching up toward the two mechs above her. There was a moment of hesitation before they moved away.

Something long and strong suddenly struck the wall above her and then retreated. Metal chunks began to fall and her screams grew louder, more desperate.


They were quickly muffled by the debris and her screams stopped. Now she focused on breathing, her lungs shaking with effort as the meavy objects above her threatened to crush her.

Everything was dark and stared at her coldly. She couldn't help but cry, her weak attempts at pushing away the metal were in vain.


Livia suddenly jerked awake, sitting up and looking straight into two red eyes.

"You were making sounds in your recharge." Megatron stated.

She looked around, noticing that she was back in the room where she had originally awoken on the Nemesis.

"Orion left you here when he finished so that you could get more sleep." Megatron explained, almost as if he had read her mind.

"And why are you here?" She demanded.

Megatron blinked. "Well, this is my berthroom."


He straightened. "You were making sounds in your sleep. Why?"

"Why not?" Livia retorted.

Megatron frowned. "Whether you like it or not, I do take an interest in your well-being. I am your father."


The title sounded... weird, but not wrong.

"I know what it is like to have nightmares. They constantly plague me as well and Orion had informed me before of your shifting and kicking during recharge." Megatron said.

Livia looked away. She didn't need to be having this conversation with Megatron of all people. Or with anyone in fact. She could handle herself.

She felt warmth and trust spread through her, but Livia glared and turned to Megatron.

"Stop doing that!"

He leaned back slightly. "Using our bond? It is natural."

"Well, it feels like you're manipulating me, so stop." She growled.

Megatron nodded. "I will stop... If tell me about your nightmare."


"Then no."

Livia glared at Megatron and he raised an eyebrow, looking back at her with a small smirk. Livia's glare deepened, but Megatron remained unaffected.

She looked away, but a trusting feeling invaded her and Livia snarled.

"I said stop!"

"Family bonds are natural." Megatron replied. "As are nightmares."

Livia felt all her frustration and hatred toward him well up and then she shoved it at him as roughly as possible. It affected him immediately and Megatron's fist slammed into the berth, surprising the scrap out of Livia.

"I am trying my best!" He growled. "Why won't you trust me!? I care about you, you're my daughter!"

"I don't want your care!" Livia yelled back. "I want to go home!"

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