I shift uncomfortably in my seat, "Please don't."

"No worries, I'll make sure she doesn't beat up your girlfriend." Dani whispers this to me and I purposefully ignore the last part, instead I laugh at her and Liya now play fighting over her comment. I can't help to be grateful because amidst all their silliness, they've actually helped the nerves lessen a little. I truly have two of the best sisters in the world.

They bring me to the full length mirror on our closet door and my eyes widen at the girl that stands in front of me. I touch the kinky curls that flow from the ponytail, moving my head from side to side. Not too tight, which is a bonus. My mini dress is actually quite simple, surprisingly. A light green marbled pattern, puffy long sleeves that connect to the modest square neckline at my shoulders, and slits on both sides that are a safe distance from my hips. My eyes trail up and that's when I really take in the full beat: a combination of blue and silver eyeshadow beautifully blended, a small winged liner, and an assortment of small, pretty rhinestones, placed around the outer area of my eye. 

Oh my... I physically have to blink back tears so I don't ruin the look.

"Thank you guys."

"Awwe, sissy don't cry."

"No seriously, don't cry, you'll ruin the look." I roll my eyes at Liya's fussing, taking the purse Dani offers me instead.

Aba appears in the hallway then, a panicked look furrowing his brows. "The dress is bit short, no little Opal?" And the girls are quick to shoo him away, but not before he slips $150 and the truck keys in my hand, giving my forehead a quick kiss.

"Goodbye aba!"

"Ugh, go away. You know nothing about fashion!"

I make sure everything I need is in the white purse and check my phone for the thousand time. Though it's obvious the text thread between me and Ethel hasn't been updated since eight this morning:

Ethel: Can Marc catch a ride with us there? He'll be coming back with his boy toy after🙄   8:12 a.m.

Opal: Yeah ofc :) 8:17 a.m.

Opal: I'll come get you guys around 3?   8:17 a.m.

Ethel: kk❤ 8:19 a.m.

She's been offly quiet since, which is concerning because that's the exact opposite of the Ethel I know. But there's no point in worrying even more because I'll find out soon enough.

Liya's voice stops me at the top of the stairs and I turn to find my sisters staring at me like proud mothers.


"Don't forget to have fun."

I smile, "I will." And I know I will because there's never a dull moment with thé Ethel Dixon. 

On my drive over I think about a lot of things. Like how I can't wait to spend a whole day with Ethel. Or how she'll react when she sees me. I even wander to the idea how someday, if they want to, my sisters could make amazing mothers.

I wonder what kind of mom I'll be?

Twenty minutes later, I'm pulling up to the Dixon's driveway. Breathe. I send off a quick text and anxiously tap my fingers on the steering wheel while I wait. Inhale. Exhale.

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