Harry Hook 1.5

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It didn't take long for me to grow used to the gang of pirates. At first, they terrified me. But the more I saw, the more I got to know them... I realized they were all just lost boys, forever searching for somewhere to belong. They also were their own family. When they began to treat me as such, my immediate reaction was to push them away. The only person to care for me was a world away because of them.

Dad. I missed him so much. I was sitting in the lookout tower on the ship, the waves rocking me back and forth. It had been the one place I'd found that gave me any peace over what I lost. Where I could gaze out at the bright lights of Auradon. Even though the dark sky, the lights shone brightly.

Something flopped down beside me suddenly interrupting my thoughts. I nearly shrieked before I noticed it was Harry. I rolled my eyes at the Scottish man. He always seemed to find me no matter where I went on the Isle. Of course, his own pirate ship probably wasn't the best hiding spot.

"Found ya, lassie." he grinned and I sighed throwing my hands up in defeat.

"Good for you." I spat out sarcastically.

He tsked at my sour mood. "What bit you in the bum, princess?" He quipped as I rolled my eyes again.

"Nothing bit me, Harry. I just wanted to be alone." I told him.

He nodded, "Great idea. To be alone is good..."

Silence ensued and I mistakenly believed it would stay that way...until he opened his big mouth.

"We can be alone together then." He said and I whipped my head around.

"That's not-" I stopped myself. Why even bother with this lunatic. "Nevermind." I huffed out, blowing a strand of hair out of my face.

This time he rolled his eyes. He pulled off his red pirate hat and placed it beside him. Great, he really is staying. I pulled the moth-eaten blanket one of the pirates had given me, and pulled it closer to my body, trying to keep warm in the frigid night air. Harry eyed me up and down.

"Are you cold?" He asked concern lacing his voice.

Before I had a chance to answer, he had placed his arm around me and pulled me closer to his chest, a scarlet blush lit up my cheeks. Thank goodness it was dark out here, hopefully too dark to see my now very red face. After a few moments of silence, I let myself relax and pressed my cheek against his warm chest, my hand coming to rest there as well.

"Will you stay here, princess?" He asked so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

I shifted in his arms, taken aback by the question. My grey eyes met his blue ones. He bit his lip and I felt butterflies flying in my stomach at that small action. I then knew the answer in my heart. But I didn't answer him with words. Leaning in slowly my lips met his in the darkness.

His mouth was soft and gentle against mine, moving in sync instantly. His hand rested on my hip, pulling me closer. So close that I could feel strands of his brown hair tickle my skin. And in that moment, I knew I was home. I was no longer just a princess from Auradon. I was his.

His pirate princess.

580 words + unedited

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