Chapter Seven

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Maddie was alright. Max had saved her and put her in a graveyard with the rest of Maddie's things on fire. Her clothes were tattered from the shot and singed. But somehow Elsa's crown survived. Maddie sat on an Angel statue holding an open book, contemplating what she had done. She didn't mean for all this to happen. Now she's ruined everything.

'What have I done? What have I done?' Maddie asked herself, 'How could I be so blind? All is lost, where was I? Spoiled all, spoiled all. Everything's gone all wrong. What have I done? What have I done? Find a deep cave to hide in. In a million years, they'll find me only dust and a plaque that reads, "Here lies poor old Maddie." But I never intended all this madness, never and nobody really understood. Well, how could they?"

'That all I ever wanted was to bring them something great! Why does nothing ever turn out like it should? Well, what the heck!' Maddie stood up, 'I went and did my best and by God, I really tasted something swell! And for a moment, why, I even touched the sky!' She jumped down onto the snow, 'And at least I left some stories they can tell I did!'

'And for the first time since I don't remember when, I felt just like my old bony self again. And I, Maddie, the Skeleton Queen! That's right," Maddie tore off the ripped outfit "I am the Skeleton Queen!" Maddie laughed

'And I just can't wait until next Halloween, 'cause I've got some new ideas that will really make them scream and by God, I'm really going to give it all my might!' That's when she realized, "Uh oh... I hope there's still time to set things right...Elsa!"

Maddie found a way back to Halloween Town. Meanwhile, Hector and Elsa had been tied up. Pitch was going to kill them in a pit of lava. Hector was yelling at him to wait until Maddie heard about this. But then they got the announcement that Maddie had been shot down. But no one knew she was alive. Maddie made it back to Halloween Town. Max let Maddie climb on his back and he took Maddie to Pitch. When they did arrive, Maddie heard what was happening. Pitch was leaving their lives in the hands of two dice.

But he wasn't playing fair. When Maddie arrived to see what was happening, Pitch threw the dice one last time. He got Snake Eyes which he wasn't happy with so he banged on the table to change it to eleven. He made the table Hector and Elsa was on to slide into the pit. But he didn't see them fall into the pit. Confused, he pulled the table back to see Maddie on there instead of Hector and Elsa!

"Hello, Pitch," Maddie sneered

"M-M-Maddie!" Pitch stuttered, "But they said you were dead. You must be DOUBLE DEAD!"

Pitch pressed a button on the floor to make the place move and metal King Cards with swords that swung around. Maddie ducked so she didn't get hit. Pitch was challenging her to dodge his traps. Well, she just barely manage to dodge the swords. She got closer to Pitch anyway. So, he made the cards leave and the casino sheriffs appeared. He then started to have very close calls with the guns they had.

Seeing that Maddie was better than he thought, and he was also heading towards them on accident, he pressed another button. A spinning saw came down from the ceiling almost cutting Maddie in half but she jumped out of the way because Hector warned her about the incoming danger. Maddie made her daggers appear, ready to fight. Pitch decided to give her a go. Maddie charged at him and they fought for a good while. Hector and Elsa just watched the scene unfold.

Hector then realized what Maddie needed to do. Pitch is using the nightmares to defend himself. Maddie just needed to get her hands on it. Hector told her so now that was her priority. Using her tricks, Maddie took the nightmares off him and replaced it with a fake one. Pitch then used the floor to jump on the machine that was stirring the lava below him. He thought he was triumphant but he wasn't. Maddie used the nightmares to make Pitch disappear forever. He's caused enough trouble. Elsa and Hector came out of hiding once Pitch was gone and Maddie threw the nightmares into the lava pit.

"Forgive me, Elsa. I'm afraid I've made a terrible mess of your holiday," Maddie said giving her the crown back.

"Bumby sleigh ride, Maddie?" Elsa asked taking the crown back and putting it on, "The next time you get the urge to take over someone else's holiday, I'd listen to him!" She pointed to Hector, "He's the only one who makes any sense around this insane asylum!"

"I hope there's still time-"

"to fix Christmas?" Elsa interrupted, "Of course, there is! I'm Elsa!"

And with that, she was off to fix the damage Maddie had caused.

"She'll fix things, Maddie. She knows what to do," Hector said smiling

"How did you get down here, Hector?" Maddie asked

"Oh, I was trying to- Well, I wanted to- to-"

"To help me," Maddie finished for him

"I couldn't just let you just-"

"Hector, I can't believe I never realized that you-"

Maddie was cut off when a light shone on them. It was Sally, Timmy, Jane, and Piro. The tree had told Piro about Maddie surviving the shot. Piro gave them a rope to grab onto and pull them out of Pitch's lair. And Elsa did exactly what she said she would do. She fixed everything and took all of Maddie's toys away and replaced them with good toys. It was the next top story on the news and everything was back to normal.

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