Chapter 21: Paths.

Start from the beginning

Rags: Heh, yeah that sucks. But, this message is very important, so make sure you listen to me partner. Get. Over. Yourself. I know you Hibiki, and if I died you'd be really down in the dumps and shutting everyone out. But you have Earth, you have Aoi, Emma and the others are all willing to help you if you just ask.

Rags sighed and ran a hand over his head before continuing.

Rags: But, that aside... I know that defeating Lightning to get Jin back is really important for you, so much so that Lightning is going to try use it against you, probably in a choice between saving Jin or someone else you care about. Don't let yourself fall into that trap okay? I believe in you, you're still my partner and I'll never forget you as long as I live, which as of this recording I'm in a SOL tech data lab so it won't be very long. Keep your head up partner, and please don't be mad at Onizuka, the man honestly looks awful from what I saw here. Goodbye partner.

The message ended and Hibiki sat speechless, a few tears rolling down his cheeks as he closed the tab, going to shut down his computer when he heard his door open behind him and he turned around slowly.

Hibiki: Who's there?

???: Oh nobody in particular, just an old acquaintance who wants to talk.

??? #2: Big Bro? Where is this place? It seems like a total dump around here.

???: Now now, don't say that. He's been through a lot, Hibiki deserves some slack. Though I never expected you to actually swallow your pride and watch that video.

Hibiki stood up, walking into his living room to find two figures in waiter outfits stood in the space, the taller of the two with black and purple hair along with a smile, the smaller one having light blue hair with pink streaks in it and wide yellow eyes.

Hibiki: Who are the two of you? And how did you know where I live, yet alone getting in here. You've got one chance to explain before I call the cops.

???: Now that's a bit harsh, though with these new bodies you wouldn't recognise me. Yet alone my companion, I don't believe the two of you met. As for how I found you, you're still using that old Hanoi disk they gave you. I wondered why you never threw it away but using your old one must have held too many memories.

Hibiki: My old disk... But the only person, no, the only one to track my signal was... Ai?

Ai: In the flesh, or whatever this android body constitutes to.

Hibiki: What are you doing here? I heard you vanished after Bohman.

Ai: That's right, but I'm back now and I have a deal for you Hibiki. One that you'd be wise to listen to...

Hibiki: What's that then? Some sort of half-baked revenge plot against SOL tech because of Rags' death?

Ai: Huh? Do you think I'm really that generic with my new heel turn appearance?

Hibiki: As opposed to how you were before? Yeah I'd say so.

Ai: Ouch, I am hurt. No, I didn't think you'd want to join me really, I just want to tell you to stay out of the way this time. You don't get involved with Yusaku and the others while I enact my, what did you call it?

??? #2: A half-baked plot big bro.

Ai: Thank you Roboppi. No, you stay out of the way and I won't hurt Aoi in the course of my "plot" as you called it.

Hibiki: You wouldn't dare! You leave Aoi out of whatever you're scheming!

Roboppi: My big bro doesn't have to do anything a human like you tells him. He's way cooler after all.

Ai: Oh my, consider that nerve touched. Well, seeming her brother is the branch head of SOL technologies, if you were to get into this... I can't guarantee that she wouldn't find herself in the crossfire as a result.

Hibiki glared at the ignis, grabbing the Hanoi disk from the table and sliding it onto his wrist.

Ai: You're seriously challenging me? Did you not just hear my offer, she doesn't have to get involved if you don't you know.

Hibiki: Forgive me for not being overly trusting. But I've no idea what you're after and right now my only certain fact is that you're going after Zaizen, and that'd cause Aoi to be dragged in. I can't allow that.

Ai: I suppose your point is pretty grounded, and I was looking for an excuse to test out my new deck to see if it worked anyway. Guess you'll have to do.

Hibiki: If you lose, you leave Aoi out of whatever it is you're planning, got that?

Ai: Hm, okay. And if I win, you'll stay out of my way. I'll try not to hurt Aoi because we're friends, but no promises.

Robippi: Not that big bro could ever lose to anyone of course! You may as well just give up now.

Hibiki: Not an option.

Ai: Indeed.

Hibiki/Ai: Let's duel!

A/N: Hey! Sorry this took so long to come out, distracted with rewatching arc-v for the upcoming story and trying to write all its drafts. Plus A levels and Uni stuff eating most of my time. But here is the start of s3 of vrains.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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