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It was a summer's day, one year into our marriage, that Jasmine told me she was pregnant.

My reaction was a mixture of emotions;  joy and sadness, all mixed together; I'd grown up on the streets from when I was a little kid; my mom had died, and my dad Cassim, king of the Forty Thieves, had left; so I was left without a role model to show me how to be a family man.

Thankfully, when Jasmine gave birth, all those doubts were suddenly banished from my mind.

The Sultan and my dad love their grandchildren, especially my dad, as he's always regaling them with stories of his adventures or playing with them, even if it does leave a bit of collateral damage!

Our daughter Amina is ten years old, and she's practically a dead ringer for her mother; with long, black glossy hair and deep brown eyes, she also a kind smile and is wise beyond her years; well versed in history and science and music; she also has a kind nature, especially reflected in her love of animals.

Our son Zahir is eight years old, and looks-wise, he takes after me, with his messy mop of black hair and big brown eyes. He has a mischievous personality, and loves playing pranks; but he also has a big heart and a caring nature.

It's been a rollercoaster for me, from barely scraping by on the streets of Agrabah, to marrying Jasmine, and having two amazing kids, but, you know what, I wouldn't trade it for all the treasure in the world.

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