July 12th, 2016

171 10 3

Jimin rapped on the hotel door a couple of times quietly, looking left and right down the long empty corridor. "Jungkook...?"

He had texted him earlier, and wasn't expecting to wait long, looking down at his phone one last time and checking the clock. It read 11:45 right on the money. Well, he was there on schedule. 

Now if only...

The loud click from the hotel room door sounded, drawing his attention. Then Jungkook, opening the door for him.

He cracked it enough to give Jimin entrance, checking down the hall one last time before stepping into hotel number 1112.

"Hey." Jungkook whispered even though no one was around.

Jimin smiled at him before tuning and pushing the door all the way closed behind them. The doors at this hotel had a tendency to take forever to close, and he wanted to make sure no one would be overhearing them tonight.

"Hey." Jimin said, once he turned back around.

Jungkook had changed out of his finale concert outfit and into a large black t-shirt and black sweats. He clearly hadn't showered yet, his hair still fixed and his face painted with a bit of make-up, eyes rimmed with the black liner.

He looked just as handsome as he had earlier, causing Jimin's belly to tighten with anticipation.

It took Jimin a moment to peel his eyes off him and notice that the lights in the room were considerably dimmer than the hallway had been, and there was faint music playing on one of Jungkook's Bluetooth speakers in the corner on the table.

Had he set the mood?

Suddenly, he felt the softest brush of fingers on his wrist, Jungkook reaching out and sliding his hand down Jimin's so he could clasp them together.

"Hey..." He said again.

"You just said that." Jimin grinned partly in wonder at Jungkook's shyness, and the shooting, buzzing feeling he got just from his simple touch.

"Yeah, I know. I don't know what else to say." Jungkook smiled sheepishly. "I was waiting for you... I'm glad you came." He added.

"Of course I did..." Jimin whispered.

"You look handsome."


"You looked handsome on stage tonight too, Hyung." He continued shyly.

"Yeah?" Jimin lilted, loving the praise Jungkook seldomly gave out and wanting more of it.

"Yeah... I thought about kissing you, out there on stage." He looked up, finally meeting his eyes.

Jimin grinned. "That probably would have been a bad idea."

"I know, but I still wanted to..." Jungkook trailed, eyes going back to the weirdly patterned hotel room carpet.

"Well, I'm here now. And there's no stage, or ARMY, or cameras...." Jimin prompted, taking a small step closer to his dongsaeng.


"So...?" He wanted Jungkook to initiate it. He did sometimes, and Jimin loved it, wanting it more than he would ever say.

His heart pounded in his ears, still holding himself back, waiting, hoping he would just kiss him already and end the agony.

Jungkook finally looked up at him again. His round eyes lowered, like arrows staring into him and piercing his heart.

Jungkook lifted his free hand, tentatively bringing it up and brushing his finger faintly over Jimin cheek.

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