Part 22

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I took a shower, got dressed into her clothes, then blow dried by hair before putting It into a ponytail. "Ok ladybug we have 30 minutes to cover it up and get to set. We're doing some at school scenes" Millie explained to me, I nodded and smiled. She held an ice pack to my jaw for a few minutes to make the swelling go down.

"You know I can hold it myself" I told her while laughing partially but she just smiled, "yeah but I like helping you so Let me do this". Next she put some coloring on it, concealer, then foundation. I looked on the mirror and was shocked, "I can't even tell I had one, dude millie that is so cool" I freaking out then hugged her.

She hugged before nudging me off, "yes yes I'm amazing but we have 10 minutes to get to work" she told me and I immediately threw on some shoes and followed her out. "Well hello" I hear from behind me, "hey Jaeden. Need a ride?" I asked and he shook his head, "no I'm about to grab something to eat then I'll head that way, plus I don't have that many scenes today so I'm not in a rush" he explained to me.

Millie suddenly realized "wait we need food too" but I shook my head, "Uhm I'm fine. You go get something to eat then meet me there" I suggested but she refused, "I'll last till lunch. We walked to my car, I turned on the radio, and let the songs play. The spins turned on suddenly and I smiled so big, "oh my god yes the day is amazing" I yelled causing Millie to laugh.

"Wanna get a machine, A jacuzzi, a theatre to watch my movies? A couple whips and lots of fancy things, the kids they call them Goonies" I said along with him and millie looked at me surprised. I ended up doing the whole song, no stutter, and she was impressed. As we pulled into the parking lot of the school we rented out for the summer.

"How do you have that whole song memorized" she asked while we walked into the trailer off to the side for makeup and outfits, stuff like that. "I listen to that song on repeat sometimes, I'd be disappointed if I didn't have that song memorized" I explained her then someone came up behind us, "what song", it was timothèe. "The spins by mac miller" I answered and he smiled and patted my shoulder, "yo I love that song. You actually have the whole thing memorized?" He asked, not believing me, but Millie cut in.

"She literally Said every word. How can you have so many song memorized? You have I wanna be your girlfriend, the spins, black bird, mr. Bright side" she ranted on and I laughed, "like you don't have every Ariana grande song memorized". She scoffed while still smiling and laughed, "I do not oh my god. I'm not that skilled". I didn't even realize timothèe left till Matt and Ross popped up behind us.

"You two seem to be getting along well. Hope your down to rip eachothers hearts out today" Matt explained causing Millie and I to laugh, "great timing". They looked at us confused but we just walked off finally arriving into the trailer and started to get ready.

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