Part 9

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We finished getting ready then walked out to set. We got in a places then started Jaeden walked up to the door and knocked them glacéd around me, "don't be nervous. He's got a sister your age, surprised y'all don't know eachother" he said then the door opened to reveal millie, "uh hello".

"Hey is Bruce here" Jaeden asked while looking around and millie nodded while looking me up and down at ever inch of me. I squirmed under her gaze. "Ok great. Can we come in or..?" Jaeden continued clearly trying to be nice, "I don't care, I won't be here much longer anyways" she said before walking back inside and up the stairs. We filmed a few more of those scene at different angles then moved on the inside.

"Action" Ross yelled and we started. "So your Ella right? My sister has mentioned you before" kit said in his British accent, "yeah. Uh are y'all British or am I just having a stroke" I asked causing him to laugh, "yeah our parents were and their accents passed onto us since we heard it for so long". I nodded before looking around not paying much attention. Kit and Jaeden continued to talk as I walked away and looked around. "Hey Ella can you go upstairs and find Alexandra for me" kit asked and I looked towards the stairs, "uh yeah sure".

We stopped and filmed few more of those scenes, even me walking up the stairs, then we got to the walking in scene. "Ok Mary, Millie, y'all ready" he asked and I nodded, Millie smiled. "Action". I opened the door and millie turned around, only in a bra and sweatpants. "Close the door oh my god Ella" she yelled as I slammed the door, my face heating up not even on purpose. I was for real blushing. "Uh your brother told me to come get you" I yelled close to the door then tripped when she quickly pulled the door open, a shirt on now.

"Knock before you walk in on people Ella. Especially at their house. Tell Bruce I'll be down in a minute" she said then looked me up and down and smirked, "you look good too Ella" then she shut the door. I stared at the door until I go to the number 4 in my head and walked down the hallway. "Cut". Just like last time, we filmed a few different angles then got a lunch break. Millie ran up to me later in the changing room and smiled, "wanna go out to eat? Finn invited us to go with him and a few of his IT friends that are in town. Jaedens coming too"she explained to me.

I nodded happily then grabbed my phone, "yeah that's fine". She nodded and smiled then kinda stared at me, glanced down at my lips, then turned away, "ok let's ride in my car JAEDEN HURRY UP". She's nice.

I wanna be your girlfriend حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن