Part 16

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"Now welcome the cast of The love we make" (yes I realize that's a prince song. It was the first name to come to my head)
I walked on stage with Millie behind me and I waved at the crowd before sitting down on the edge with mills still beside me. "Ok well I've had a few of you on here before but not you Mary, it's your first time here" he said and I smiled at how hard he was trying to act 'new' around me, "yeah yeah it is. It's an honour to be here jimmy" I joked and he laughed.

"Ok so I will ask about the movie but I have a few questions from the internet that I thought I might ask you" he explained to me as I nodded in agreement. "Ok first is are you dating anyone" he started off causing me to freeze, "uh haha no. No I'm not". He nodded before looking threw the cards, "is there a reason for that" he asked me while smiling and I shook my head, "maybe we could set you up. Any crushes". I smiled to myself and started scratching my neck, "uh yeah actually. I guess I do" I finally said causing him to smile, "well now we have to know who it is! But if you don't want to tell us then that's fine" he insisted.

"Uh yeah I don't think it'd be the best idea. I'm gay and they're straight so that wouldn't work out" I explained to him and I saw in his eyes his realization, "oh ok well that was mainly the only question. Ok now how about kit. I haven't had you on here. Is it a big change from heartstopper" he asked and kit smiled, "just another gay show. I'm enjoying it and think I might stay in the genre. I'm liking the people I'm meeting" he explained. They continued to talk while I looked around at the area.

Millie suddenly sets her hand on mine, which is lying on my thigh, and she smiled at me while squeezing it, I smile back. "Ok well it was nice to meet y'all and I hope to see you all again" he finally ended off then it ended. Millie still had her hand on mine when I quickly stood up and walked over to jimmy, "hey can I have your keys". He handed them to me before whispering, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. The management begged me to ask those questions". I nodded and smiled saying it was ok before running off to his office.

I unblocked his door and walked in, flicking on the lights and shutting the door. I walked over to his drawer, found his stuff, and helped myself.

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