Rehan eyes blurred with tears, "oh jaan, don't cry, please. You know that as his parents we have every right to be worried about him but I agree that out approach of expressing our worries was wrong, so very wrong" Rehan's voice cracked, but he continued.

" We were wrong, jaan, we know that and I think Devasya knows it too. We should talk to him about this Maya. Ye galti jo humne kari hai vo mit toh nhi jaayegi par shanti mil jayegi maafi maangne se aur koi galtafehmi bhi nahi rahegi kisi ke man mein" Rehan answered sadly.

Maya nooded against his chest.


Devasya collected his luggage from the airport, yes, airport. The deal with the Mr.Batra was successful, and Batra got so impressed with Devasya that he came to his room for the last two days of his stay to talk. Batra explained that Devasya's work ethics and behaviour was just like his late son. His son died in a car accident some years back but Devasya's behaviour and seriousness towards his ambition brought back memories of his son back to Batra. It was like he was talking to his son. And so Devasya spend last days of his trip learning more about business expansion from Mr. Batra himself.

However, when it was time to go, Batra gave Devaysa plane tickets for the journey back, when Devasya denied, however, Batra proceeded on emotionally blackmailing him and so Devasya ended up accepting them. Devasya can't wait to surprise his mom and dad, and Sona!

And here he is now, two days early from his trip.

For the last three weeks, he and Sona has been sending each other letters back and forth. Honestly, it was an amazing experience but it also meant that Devaysa has not heard Sona's voice for three weeks now and he has been dying to hear her. Well, he is now going to home anyway so he will meet her soon. When he got to know Sona is living with his mom and dad, he was relieved that now his mom would be there to take care of her eating habits and her health. God knows how careless Sona is, Devasya smiled to himself.


Maya shrieked loudly at seeing his son standing at the doorstep. She quickly dropped the soap she was holding while washing the dishes, washed her hands and ran towards Devaysa. Devasya smiled looking at her. Maya quickly engulfed her son in a tight hug, the emotional turmoil from earlier and hollowness in the her chest brought back tears into her eyes.

Devasya hugged her back, smiling at his dad who had his hand around his shoulder. Maya's sniffling alerted Devasya, he frowned and pulled back.

"Why are you crying, maa? What happened? Are you fine?" Devasya bombarded Maya with his worries causing Maya to cry harder. Devasya looked helplessly at his father, who was wiping his tears too. Devaysa frowned hard looking at both of them.

"Maa, Papa, you both are scaring me, why are you crying?" Maya managed to control her emotions and said shakily, "We both missed you so much,Dev"

Devasya's frown eased and he rolled his eyes, pulling his mom back into a hug. " Yaar maa, aapne mujhe dara diya tha. I missed you too, bohot saara, now come on give me a smile" Devasya said lovingly. Maya smiled at him whule Rehan patted his head.

"Come now, eat something, also, why are you two days early? I thought you were going to come after two days?" asked Maya.

"Oh its a long story, i'll tell you while eating, by the way where is Sonarika?"

Rehan smirked knowingly, after all he has gone through the same phase. He cleared his throat loudly and said, "She is at her college but she might be coming soon. Why don't you bring her back Dev? I have my motorcycle in the garage, go by it. You wanted to ride it all the time when you were a child" Rehan laughed at the memory.

Jaan-Nisaar| ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt