Chapter 22

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Wilhemina set aside the season, her body quivering with anxiety. She wanted to get out of here, run away with you and raise the baby. Langdon had become protective of you to the point Ms. Mead couldn't even look at you the wrong way. It was too much, it- she looked around, finding herself in her werewolf form once more. The residents saw her, backing away slowly. "She's stressed." Andre whispered to Evie. "What has her stressed out?" She questioned, keeping an eye on Venable. "(Y/N) is pregnant."

Evie spat her drink out, gasping in shock. "You got a resident pregnant!?" Evie screamed at Wilhemina, furious. "We're stuck in this Outpost and you decided: huh, I'm a werewolf, I'm gonna stick my big werewolf dick in this girl, I wonder what will happen? And thought it was a good idea!?" Evie screamed, face turning red. "Ms. Venable, you are a powerful woman, but you're also a stupid fucking dog!" Evie spat. "Do not insult your leader." A male voice called out, Michael Langdon standing in the doorway of the dining room. "Mr. Langdon is right, we all assumed that pregnancy wasn't an option... And hey, we'll have something to look forward to." Gallant spoke up, smiling to Langdon. "Oh shut up you glorified gloryhole." Evie spat, jumping as Langdon appeared beside her. "Temper, temper. You should watch your tongue." He hissed playfully. "Or perhaps..." With the flick of his hand, Venable lunged forward. Teeth touching skin, but not breaking it. "Ms. Venable can teach you to behave." Langdon purred, hearing Evie whimper out an apology.

Venable reared back, spitting out the flavor of cheap perfume and powder. "The conflict has been solved!" Langdon cooed over the victory, sauntering out the room. "Come, Ms. Venable. We have someone to check up on."

You sat on the bed, opening your eyes at the sound of the door opening. "Good morning, (Y/N)!" Michael cheerfully greeted, smiling. "And how is our little Octavia?" He came to the bed, Venable bumping her head a little. "Octavia? We never chose a name." She pointed out. You waved your hand at Venable, giggling a little. "It's what he's calling the baby, just let it happen." Michael laid his head on your stomach lightly, smiling. "She's going to be a strong one with strawberry-gold fur and hair." Michael purred, smiling. "He has The Sight, he can see what happened and will happen." You explained, Venable's form dropping. "I guess we can name her Octavia then. Octavia Michelle Venable." Venable spoke softly, Langdon feeling a pang of jealousy. No, it'll be Octavia Wilhemina Langdon. My little OWLette. Langdon smiled at his change, lifting his head. "Well, I'm going to schedule your ride to The Sanctuary. I hope you two will enjoy it there. I'm sorry... You three, can't forget our little Octavia." Langdon's voice went from formal to affectionate, making Wilhemina roll her eyes. It was quite annoying in her eyes for Langdon to be obsessed with the baby, but part of her understood. He was going to give the baby what he didn't have, and the same would go for her. Parents who doted on their daughter instead of cruel discipline, that's what Octavia deserved.

Langdon felt pride for the bundle of cells in your uterus, no matter how much Satan whispered in his ear, he could only hear the words of his adoptive father telling him to be a good father. He would be the one to raise Octavia, after all... The future was bleak for some, and the need to run was coming soon.

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