Shot3- Kim Taehyung

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Jeongguk came back to his class flopping himself on his seat. Jimin had told him that he would introduce another friend of his to him after the school ends. But Jeongguk's mind drifted back to the cafeteria where he rammed into Kim Taehyung.
He was sure that it was the same person who he saw under the cherry blossoms.
He was also a first year like him.
His voice was beautiful and Jeongguk certainly wanted to hear that again. He was looking forward to seeing him again.

Class 1-3

That's it. Taehyung's 3rd favorite cardigan was ruined. He kept quite an intimidating face since the fangirls were hesitating to come near him. He recalled the one who crashed into him and fell right on the floor.
Taehyung gave a handsome pose, as he placed his elbow on the desk and propped his chin on his palm, giving a thoughtful look. He remembered the big brown orbs looking up at him. Suddenly, loud squeals brought him back from his thoughts.
 "Ahh, really."
Taehyung rubbed his eyes, proceeding to pinch his nose bridge. He had to tell his Hyungs about this and find this doe eyed individual. But first, he needed to get the girls back to their seats instead of hovering around him like fruit flies. He sometimes liked the attention, but occasionally it was too much for him too.


Taehyung lived a normal life which rich people would live—big mansion, few trusted servants and respect from everyone. The three brothers were adopted, explaining their age difference and personality.
Their father had treated them equally, giving them enough importance in family relationships and company inheritance. He was actually flexible to all these situations, and the three brother's decisions in their life.
Taehyung really was not interested in inheriting the company. What he loved was music. Music had played a significant role in his life just like a best friend. It used to accompany him in his toughest and saddest times. He really hadn't spoken about this with his father, but there was still time till he could bring up this topic.

Taehyung was also doted on by everyone in his family and distant relatives. Especially his eldest brother who used to pamper him to the max. Many of the maids had disclosed to him that his Jin-hyung had given off half of his toys to him. Even in middle school, he used to come and pick Taehyung up. 'TaeTae' or 'Tae bear' was his nickname, termed by his family. Namjoon on the other hand was laidback with him. Taehyung really liked him for his coolness and leadership qualities. But at the same time, he was also jealous of his social life and his IQ.

He would say he never was in a relationship except for that one forced date with a girl in middle school. Though his brothers had brought in at least 2 to 3 girlfriends with them. Taehyung was confessed by tons of girls after his second-year of middle school, especially after when his handsome appearance came in everyone's sight.
Many of the boys mocked him and many of them were jealous of him. Everyone sucking up to him and his brothers was indeed a thing which was very common and irksome, spewing words like
'You are rich, you must get everything!'
'You're one lucky guy. You get everything you demand, huh?'. One wrong word and rumors would be spreading like wildfire.

There was indeed an old hearsay, about the brothers fighting for the future inheritance and property, as they were adopted. It had even gained the media attention. But it had been put out by saying, they were not of the age yet. These things never really concerned them, moreover it never affected the company. But as they grew up, these things kept coming up in their conversation, especially at family and company parties.


Shot3- end.

I honestly wasn't impressed with the outcome. This chapter could have been better. Anyways.

STREAM PROOF! For Youth made me cry :')

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