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In a blink of an eye, it was already a month since Jennie and Lisa got married. Even though she didn't want to admit it, Jennie knew he was changing her. She was growing attached to this man and she couldn't help it.

She thought she will never give her heart to an man again but with Lisa, she want to take a chance. Matters of the heart are very complicated. One second you feel shattered and broken because you give love a chance and then you think you will never recover from the pain o fall in love again. Then in a blink of an eye, you find the same heart beating again for another man.

Maybe being in love is God's punishment. What is worse than two people who are clearly in love with each other, hurting each other?

From onwards, she will let go of everything. Why should she cry over someone who couldn't even trust the woman he swore he loved? A man who wasn't bold enough to listen to her explanation or trust the woman who nearly lost her life from him.

Why should she torment herself when there is a man who loves her and has always been there for her? Anytime she has a nightmare, he will hold her tightly in his arms coaxing her before she fall asleep. He always pampers and dotes on her even when she is moody.

Jennie wants to be happy. She is tired of being lonely and feeling empty all these years. Her daughter and mother would want her to be happy.

Jennie didn't know what the future entitles. Maybe she will never get her happily ever after, but she will surely enjoy this moment and make a beautiful memories to replace the bad ones. Even though she doesn't love him yet, she knows it was just a matter of time before she falls for him.

That day, sitting at the dining table with his parents and Leo made her realize ehat she had been missing in her life all this while. She had never laughed as much as she did that night. She still remembered the battering of Lisa and Leo as they argued over who gave her the most meat and the one she likes.

Jennie saw how much his parents considered her as their daughter, and the love she saw in their eyes. At that moment she felt a large part of her iced heart-melting. She felt warmth and happiness that she hadn't felt in a long time. Jennie felt she was worthy of love again.

She wouldn't let anyone take this happiness away from her. If the world tried to take her happiness away from her again, she will battle with the world.

Someone said that the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained, unfortunately, she had experienced this.

The sound of her phone ringing brought Jennie out of his stupor. She sighed as she realized that she had been thinking a lot these days. Maybe it's her way of forcing herself to psychologically move on.

She picked the call and saw that she had missed several missed call from Lisa. Because of the launch of her new collection, she had been spending most of her time at the office since they came back from his parent's place.

Jennie can still remember his mood when they came back that night. He was jealous of a kid! She never thought a big guy like Lisa can be so naive. He kept whining all night.

A smile tugged at the corners of her lip as her eyes strayed at the wall clock
It was already ten o'clock pm. She knows he must probably be waiting for her like every night.

Jennie: Hey, I will be back in half an hour.

Jennie sent him a text message and cleared the folders on her table. She opened her drawers and removed a small box from it. He had inspired her for this design. She hopes he likes her gift.


When Jennie got home, the light in the living room was still on. She opened the door snd changed into a pair of slippers. When she walked into the living room, she saw the man who was sleeping on the sofa and she was stunned.

Flash Marriage:The Domineering Wife Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon