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When they got home, they saw a man waiting for them in front of their house. Lisa raised his brows when he saw the person standing there.

"Bambam?" Lisa asked with uncertainty. Lisa remembers that he was on a mission so why was he back, looking like s living corpse?

Jennie looked at the man and frowned slightly. He was good looking, he had dirty blond hair that was styled yet wavy. His jawline was sharp, snd his nose was slightly upturned. His lips were full and surrounded by stubble of his beard. His eyes were bloodshot, his skin plaer and his brows were furrowed with fatigue. He looked familiar but she couldn't remember where she has seen him before.

"Lisa" Bambam whispered with a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing here? Lisa asked as he turned to glance at Jennie.

" We need to talk... "Bambam trailed off when she saw Jennie behind Lisa. He was anxious when he saw Lisa that he didn't notice the woman behind him. 'Wait, isn't this woman, the same woman they saved the other day?'

" Is this a bad time? "Bambam asked as he stared at Jennie.

Lisa pulled Jennie into his arms and introduced them.

" Wifey, this is Bambam my assistant" Bambam widened his eyes when he heard Lisa.' Wifey!'

"Bambam, this is Jennie, my wife."

"Wife?" Bambam asked with a shocked look on his face. When did Lisa get married? Didn't he just meet this woman about a month ago?

"Yes." Lisa answered.

Bambam swallowed the lump in his throat and turned to look at Jennie.

"Nice to meet you, young miss." Jennie nodded slightly. Bambam knew that she was a cold person from his investigation last night so he wasn't offended.

"Let us go inside." Lisa's voice sounded breaking the stiff atmosphere.

Once inside, Lisa led Bambam to his study, while jennie sat in the living room watching television.

"I thought you were on a mission what happened?" Lisa asked as he stared at him.

He stood up from the chair and knelt in front of Lisa.

"I'm sorry boss, I failed the mission. We got besiged by the enemy. It seems someone leaked our entire plan to them. They know all our moves and where we were hiding. We suffered from a deadly sneak attack from them." Lisa clasped his hands together as he listened to him.

"How msny people did you take for the mission."

"Reporting, thirty people participated in this mission. Ten dead, five disfigured and the rest were badly injured. They're barely responding to treatment."

Bambam felt a shiver along his spine. The temperature in the room decrease as a Lisa's whole temparement change. He looked like a wounded lion now.

Bambam knew Lisa was angry. He loved all the people in the team as his fsmily so he was angry they got hurt. He really hates betrayal, he has seen how ruthless Lisa punish those who betrayed him.

"Have you found the mole yet?" He asked coldly.

"No, boss." Lisa tapped his finger on the table. The room became pin drop silence. Bambam felt every second that went by was torture for him.

"Get up, you're badly injured aren't you?"

Bambam looked up in shock at Lisa. He thought he had hidden his wounds from him. He didn't want to see him as a failure.

"Yes Boss." Lisa face soften gradually. Bambam was like a brother to him. He was the second best person in the team if he got badly hurt he could only imagine the fate of the rest of the people.

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