I can't...

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As I sat on the edge of the rooftop I looked down at the world below me, the world that hated me.

But the truth was hard to face, I didn't want to die. I wanted parents that loved me, friends by my side, no more bullying, I wanted to be a hero.

There's nothing for me here, not anymore.

I wanted to jump but the thought of a perfectly happy ending stopped me, I wanted to be happy.

I made my way back to the front of the school. And found a nice, big, rock. Looking at the window to my classroom that I was bullied in every day I threw it. It rolled off my fingers making its way to the delicate glass. The window shattered.

To my surprise, an alarm went off.

I could have ran back to my house, to a home I wasn't safe in. Instead I ran in the opposite direction, into the unknown, that felt safer than my own home.

I heard the siren of a police car behind me, they probably think they are about to catch a thief trying to rob a school, but they will find nothing, except my mothers work papers.

Bakugo POV

After deku left I went back inside to try and get some sleep. I turned off the lights and the TV. My mom and dad were on a work trip, as always. Their never home.

My head hit the pillow and I drifted into a light sleep. That is, until a loud siren woke me up.

I knew that siren from our school drills, it was the school.

I jumped out of bed and quickly put on my shoes. Then I jogged to the school, which wasn't too far away, following a trail of blood that started at my house and ended at the school.

The blood that I caused to bleed out.

Suddenly I arrived at the scene. Closer neibors to the school were already there, and so were the police.

"What the fuck happened here?!" I asked an officer.

"Someone threw a rock into that window," he pointed to the same classroom that me and deku shared, "but that's it, no one was found inside the building and nothing was taken." he shrugs, "Though we did find this right below the fence, we don't know if the culprit dropped it or if it's just some homework some kid forgot." Then he held up the papers deku tried to give me earlier, that I had completely forgotten about.

"Oh, sorry, that's my friends, I'll bring it to him." I said holding out my hand. "It's just homework." I lied.

He reluctantly gave me the papers, and I made my way to izuku's house to confront him.

~Izuku POV~

It felt like I had been running for hours. I probably have been.

I was walking down a dirty alleyway, littered with bottles and cans. The ground fillled with cracks and weeds.

A cluster of trash bins rested in the ally, leaning on it, was a person dressed like a school girl. Her hair was tied into blond space buns.

Someone else came up behind her, he was hiding behind the trash bin on the end, they stood next to each other, staring at me.

As I walked past them, the girl grabbed my arm.

"Where are ya going?! Nevermind, THATS not important, your coming with us! We just wanna play! I don't bite~" the school girl said.

"N-no, thank y-you though." I said pulling my arm back.

She frowned and pouted, she then looked up at her companion.

The man grabbed the collar of my shirt, I stumbled backwards back to their sides, confused.

"I said your coming with us!" the school girl demanded.

The guy punched me straight across the face, over and over again. Everything started to get darker and darker, and then I knew no more.

~Bakugo's POV~

I reached the front door of the damn nerd.

Papers in one hand, the other I used to knock.

"No, izuku! Your sleeping OUTSIDE tonight you WORTHLESS QUIRKLESS RAT!" I heard his mom screech inside.

"Mrs. Midoriya?" I asked, shocked.

How could his own mom speak like that to him?

Does she hit him?

I heard footsteps rushing to the door. A surprised Midoriya swung open the door.

"Katsuki! Oh, hello! Izuku delivered those papers I see, good! Where is he..." she asked looking around.

"Oh, right! I actually came here to ask you that very question. You don't know where he is?" I asked.

She shook her head 'no'.

My mouth dropped open as well as my eyes.

I ran back to the school, as fast as I could, just catching the police officers before they left.

"I would like to report a missing person, izuku midoriya." I huffed at the same police officer that I had talked to before.

"Oh, we know. He almost jumped off the rooftop, then he ran away after throwing the rock at the window. We checked the surveillance cameras." he said frowning at me.

Surveillance cameras?

Since when did we have surveillance cameras?

"We also know about the bullying, I don't blame him for running away." he shamed me.

I looked down at my shoes, hanging my head in shame.

"I didn't mean to..." I whispered.

"Right." he snorted before entering his car, slamming the door in my face.

Driving off he rolled down his window and yelled, "I've got a suicidal kid to find thanks to you!" And drove off.

I dropped to my knees.

He's right

It's all my fault!

~izuku POV~

I wake up in a cell, chained to the wall, in some sort of dirty secret room. The same blond haired girl from before stands in front of me smiling.

"Hi~ you can call me Toga! Your blood smells so good! It almost made me drool!! Hehe!" she said to me.

"What am I doing here? Why did you take me?!" I asked jolting from my position, shaking nervously.

"Oh don't worry!! We just wanna play with you~" Toga did a little spin after saying this, giggling a little.

"I don't want to play! I want to go back!" I screamed.

Toga pouted. "Well too bad so sad, get over it." She squinted at my then left the room, like a bitch.

Where am I?


Yo! Nice story right? Lmao 🤣! I hope you enjoy reading this story as I enjoyed writing it!!

1082 words

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