I'm going to make you wish you were dead

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Percy stood before the council, watching them individually for any sort of reaction. But no one gave anything of their thoughts away. Everyone sat stoically. Chiron stood behind him, ready to defend him if necessary, but hoping it wasn't. His father was gripping his trident tightly, the only outward sign of anxiety he showed. Percy shoved his hands in his pockets, clenching his fists. He thought he was prepared for what was going to happen, but it didn't make it any easier for his nerves.

"Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon. You know why you're here?" Zeus asked, voice low and rumbling. Threatening.

"No, my lord." Percy answered, firmly, but keeping his head down.

"So. You don't even deny what you've done?" Athena accused.

"My lady, if I knew what I was being accused of I'd be able to better defend myself. Perhaps informing me of my crimes isn't too much to ask?" Percy tried to keep the growl out of his voice, but he was getting very annoyed. He'd been back from Tartarus nearly three months, and was trying his best to get back to normal, but it wasn't easy. He woke constantly from nightmares and the only thing that helped calm him down was physical activity. He ran. A lot. Or went for long walks through the park. He went to an all-night boxing club on occasion, where the owner tried getting him to participate more in their matches.

"Do not take that tone with us, boy." Zeus growled, lightning arcing off his arms. "You have been causing uncountable storms along the eastern seaboard. Not to mention the earthquake that struck New York not even a week ago."

"You are a danger to the world and those around you." Athena agreed through clenched teeth.

"I'm attempting to control things the best I can. Something happened to be in Tar-" Percy cleared his throat as it constricted, "Tartarus. Something broke in me. I'm open to any help the council is willing to provide?" Percy quirked an eyebrow at the gathered gods who sneered at him. Aside from his father, Aphrodite, Hestia, Artemis, and Apollo.

"If you cannot control your abilities, then you do not deserve them." Hera sniffed.

"I didn't ask for this to happen to me!" Percy shouted, losing his cool.

"You dare raise your voice to us? You dare shout at the gods?!" Zeus thundered. "Before I'm through with you, boy, I'm going to make you wish you were dead." Percy scoffed.

"Wish granted, my lord." Percy stated in a small, broken voice. "Perhaps it's best to wish for something else?"

The room grew quiet and cold as they took in his words. He rubbed a hand over his tired face, the dark circles under his eyes suddenly looking more pronounced than they had when he arrived. He was so tired. Tired of fighting only for the gods to talk down on him. Tired of losing friends. Of funeral pyres. Of waking up in a cold sweat where he'd seen Tartarus staring him down. He dropped his hand and looked up to see the gods were just observing him. As if seeing him fully for the first time.

"Is that truly what you wish, son?" Poseidon asked, sounding broken.

"I've wished to die at least once a year since I was five. Probably more often. You have no idea, do you? You have no idea what your kids go through? If the person they are left with is abusive or marry someone abusive? Do you know what it's like to hide from a parent or step-parent so they won't find you and take out their anger on you? It's easy to hide until you no longer fit under a bed or in the linen closets. Then you have to learn to hide the bruising or broken bones or clean up the cuts so no one sees. Then you find out about the Greek life. About being a demi-god. And suddenly it's no longer mortal monsters you're hiding from. I've lost so many people ..." Percy swiped at his face feeling angry tears seep out of his eyes.

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