"THIS IS YOUR HOME!" Megatron roared.

Livia stood up and angrily kicked his upper leg, letting out a scream of frustration. "I HATE YOU!"

Calm washed over Livia so suddenly, she fell back onto her butt with a small thump. Megatron looked down at her.

Livia looked away angrily.

There was a moment of silence.

"Do you promise?" She asked.

Livia couldn't see it, but Megatron grinned victoriously.

"I do."

Which was a lie. Megatron could do the exact same thing to her, but be more subtle. She'd never know the difference between her emotions and the ones he wanted her to have.

"I die." Livia stated quietly. "I'm trapped. Under metal. And I suffocate under the pressure. There's a man calling out to me."

Megatron's eyes softened.

Lifestar died from suffocation in a metal building. Well, all the buildings on Cybertron were metal but... He was there as well. Calling out Lifestar's name.

Livia remembered her death.

Megatron looked at her more closely as Livia pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her face in her hands. She began to tremble.

"I couldn't breath. And it was dark. There were explosions and screams, but nobody could hear me. Someone was coming, but they were going to be too late." Livia whispered, her voice sounding broken. "And I died... I died."

Megatron didn't speak for a moment. Comforting people wasn't really his specialty.

He was better at killing them.

"Why would they kill me?" Livia whispered. "What did I do wrong?"

Megatron perked up at that.


"The one with the black face and the other with eyes like mine." Livia responded quietly, looking off into space as if she could see them before her.

"They tried to kill you?"


Megatron's spark clenched with anger. All this time he had thought it was a random explosion during the fight that had collapsed Olivebranch's room.

But someone had purposefully did this.

And at least one of them was an Autobot. Blue eyes.

Black face immediately reminded Megatron of Soundwave, but he quickly dismissed the thought. Soundwave was far too loyal. Besides, what would he have to gain from killing Megatron's daughter?

What would anyone have to gain?

He looked back at Livia and sent a more discreet feeling of comfort through their bond before he reached over and picked her up.

Livia's shaking ceased, but she did not stop staring off into space.

"Are you alright?" Megatron questioned.

"I don't know what's real and what's not anymore."

He breathed out slowly. "Trust me and I will show you the truth, little one."

"You're supposed to be evil." Livia whispered. "Why don't you just kill me?"

"Surely you do not want me to." Megatron stated.

She didn't respond.

"I am evil, by most standards." Megatron told her. "But I will protect what is mine. And you belong to me."

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