Chapter 5

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I never thought of myself as a vain person, but now, I wasn't so sure. I knew that I didn't look like other women. My skin was darker than others, and my features were considered exotic. I wasn't slim either. I was what Lissa would call well endowed. My chest was large and my hips were too, making dresses harder to buy in the coming fashion. Everyone wanted to see a young woman with slim and delicate features.

Features I didn't have.

Features that Miss Natasha Ozera did have.

I blinked out of my thoughts when Pipa came out of my dressing room.

"Your hands are filthy," she stated in surprise. I looked up at her and shrugged.

"Not feeling it tonight," I said quietly, looking down at the purple paint staining my fingers. I glanced towards the window where my painting was propped up against the wall.

"It's a dinner, not a dance," Pipa said but I shrugged. I knew who was going to be at the dinner. I didn't want to have to endure sitting at a table with either of the people I knew would be there.

"But you and I both know that the dinner is going to be amazing. Plus, your new dress came in," Pipa led, a smile creeping onto her face. There was something so kind and innocent about Pipa that telling her no seemed to be impossible. I sighed and nodded standing up to get a rag to scrub my hands.

Making sure that there was no wet paint on my fingers before getting into my dress, I couldn't even feel happy about the new dress. I just felt too low on myself. Once my dress was fastened I made my way out to the dressing table and sat down. I scrubbed at my fingers with the cloth, looking at my fingers with a frown.

"Pipa? Can I ask you something? And I want your honest answer."

Pipa hummed quietly as she twisted my hair in her hands, pinning it up.

"Do you think that when I enter society, anyone will want me for something other than my title?"

Pipa's hands slowed in their work. "What do you mean?" she asked quietly. I shrugged and sighed.

"Never mind."

"No, no. Tell me," she encouraged, letting my hair lay against my neck. She came around and faced me, her eyes kind. It was easy to forget that Pipa was only a handful of years older than me. I sighed and sat down in the chair close to me and toyed with my skirt.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" I asked quietly, not looking at her.

Pipa tsked. "What kind of question is that?"

"I know that men find me...alluring, but am I pretty? Someone that a man would be happy to have on their arm, and not just because of my title?"

I looked up at Pipa and she shook her head. "Where is this coming from?"

I shrugged and tried to brush it off, feeling embarrassed. But she wouldn't let me, taking one of my hands that was wrapped tightly in my skirt.

"Rose, tell me."

"It's silly," I said quietly.

"I don't care how silly it is. You're one of the most beautiful young ladies I have ever met. Inside and out. Tell me what's got you so down," Pipa urged, a small smile on her lips.

"It seems ridiculous," I admitted but she simply raised her brows at me.

"Lissa said something about the Grand Duke," I began and a smirk crept to her lips. I narrowed my eyes at her and she laughed.

"I'm sorry, I had a suspicion that he was involved," Pipa said, "But please, continue."

I took a breath and sighed again. "She said something about I didn't have a chance with Miss. Ozera in the picture. It stung a little because he's the first person that I genuinely started to have feelings for, and someone that didn't want my company because of my family."

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