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Meanwhile down below a good 30 feet back from where any explosion was landing Hakurou and Benimaru were watching the chaos unfold.

"Hohohoho, It seems she's having fun." Hakurou speaks as he sips from a cup he had brought with him to drink while he watched Tanya handle training.

"Don't you think she's maybe having... a little too much fun with this?" Benimaru, unlike Hakurou who seemed satisfied with the training, looked more confused and concerned.

"There is no need to worry, Benimaru, I have confidence in Tanya's abilities."

"It's not her abilities I question. It's her... Methods."

"I will say it's unorthodox, but it's certainly working is it not? Look at the Goblin Riders, they're getting better and better at dodging her pellets, even as she bombards them with hundreds."

"Doesn't she ever run out of Magicules?"

"Well she is a high-ranking Demon, Benimaru, I'm sure she's likely on par with Sir Rimuru himself. That's probably why Rimuru made her Chancellor."

"That's certainly part of it but I feel like it has more to do with her all-around abilities. The only person I know capable of doing as much in terms of governing as she can is Rimuru themselves."

"Yes, I can see where you're coming from... Oh it would appear she's finally done."

As they wrapped up their conversation Tanya descended from above, the orbs now gone and the clearing riddled with craters. The Goblin Riders, those not hurt too much at least, looked exhausted and traumatized, however a good number of them had eventually become surprisingly good at dodging, even if they hadn't realized it in the moment.

Tanya clapped her hands as she landed, the Goblins still resting as she took a few steps forward. "Good job! Now if you want to go home, all you have to do is just hit me once! If you can't... Well then it's another round with the bullet storm!"

Gobta perked up, "Really? That's it? This is easy!" Suddenly he changed at Tanya while on his wolf, striking at her only to see her fuzz out and disappear, only to then notice her hovering in the air behind where he was before as she slowly descented. The other Goblin riders quickly got back up and ready.

"Aww, you didn't think that decoy was me did you?" With that, one by one another Tanya would step out of another, slowly multiplying in a way where it was impossible to tell which were illusions and which were real. After a few moments the Goblins were completely surrounded on all sides by three rows of Tanyas.

Benimaru seemed shocked, though not terribly surprised given Tanya's strength, "She has body doubles like Souei?"

Hakurou simply shook his head, "No, those are illusions, and good ones at that. I can't even tell which are real or fake. However the difference between that and body double is that it isn't a physical body and cannot be interacted with. This of course comes with the plus side of having practically no limit to how many copies of yourself you can make so long as you have enough magicules."

"I see... If you cannot see past it, I'd imagine most can't either."

"I assume it would take a very special skill to see beyond it. That means that most of the time, this is easily a viable strategy against anyone. This would prove especially effective in a fight with a sword fighter or some other similar melee weapon which doesn't have any good multi-attack options."

As they were talking the Goblins were spending a copiously long amount of time trying to find Tanya. In truth there was no way for them to know which was Tanya, and Tanya didn't expect them to learn. A few seconds later Tanya shouts out, "Well, looks like you're out of time, hope you like bullet hells!"

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