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As dawn broke, Alan woke up. He scouted around and then woke the others. He hoped they didn't have too far left to go before they reached the coast. He knew phoning Ellie was the best thing to do. She was terrifying sometimes and if anyone could send recuse it was her.

Once everyone had woken up, they all began to make their way to the coast. Eric caught up with Alan and Rose.

"That lady you called? Who is she?" Eric asked Alan.

"That lady? She's my wife," Alan smiled.

"You think she can help us?" Eric was full of questions.

"Yeah, no one would dare mess with mum when she is on a mission," Rose said, smiling at Eric.

"She is the one person I can always count on, don't worry, she will send help to us," Alan reassured Eric.

"Dad, listen!" Rose motioned everyone to be quiet.

"You hear that?" Alan said smiling.

"The ocean," Eric said, smiling.

They all ran for the coast. As they entered a clearing they all stopped dead in their tracks. The Raptors had surrounded them.

"They want the eggs, otherwise we would be dead already," Alan whispered to the others, keeping Rose behind him.

The beta Raptor stalked forward, she was growling and screeching at the group.

"Everyone get down, she's challenging us." Alan said as they all knelt to the ground.

As they knelt down the beta approached Amanda. The Raptor sniffed Amanda, and screeched angrily at her.

"She thinks you stole the eggs," Alan whispered to her.

"Give me the eggs," Amanda replied.

As Alan opened Billy's bag to reveal the two eggs. A raptor started to make a call. When Alan lifted the eggs he saw Billy's resonating chamber. He handed the eggs slowly to Amanda. She slowly pushed the eggs towards the beta. Alan then blew through the chamber. The moment he did the raptors started to get agitated.

"No, dad, call for help," Rose said to him.

Alan then made the call for help. One raptor replied to the call and went to leave before the beta growled at him to stay put. She was about to attack the group when the low loud rumbling of a helicopter caused her to order the raptors to leave. She bent down slowly along with her alpha and collected the eggs, they then disappeared into the jungle.

"That's a helicopter!" Paul said as they all got to their feet and ran towards the coast line.

As they found their way to the coastline, they froze and saw a man on the beach with a megaphone.

"Alan? Rose?" Ian called to them through a megaphone.

"Uncle Ian?" Rose said, confused.

"Ian! Stop, that's a really bad idea!" Alan shouted back, motioning him to be quiet.

Out of nowhere the navy and the marines all piled onto the beach.

"Wow! Your mum is the best! She sent the navy and the marines," Eric beamed at Rose, he was impressed

"I told you! No one messes with my mum, especially my uncle Ian" Rose laughed.

Alan smiled.

"God bless you Ellie Grant," He muttered under his breath as he walked to Ian with Rose following.

"Let me guess? My wife sent you?" Alan said, shaking Ian's hand.

"Ha! Yeah she is waiting for you at the hospital, get you both seen too, but you both don't look too bad," Ian laughed at them both.

"Uncle Ian! Thank you!" Rose hugged him tightly.

"Your mum is worried sick we better get moving," Ian laughed and took them to the helicopter.

Ian turned to Alan as Rose ran towards the Kirby's.

"Those, the rich arseholes that brought you both here?" Ian raised his eyebrows.

"Define rich? They own a hardware store, they lost their son and I guess they panicked. They needed an expert and I was stupid," Alan said clearing his throat.

"Oh, I do not want to be them when Ellie finds this out, your wife wants blood," Ian laughed as they walked onto the helicopter.

Alan smilled. He knew he had a lot of explaining to do.

"Dr. Grant, pleased to meet you. I'm Mark, I don't suppose this man is with you? We found him on the bank of the river," Mark pointed to a man covered in bandages.

"Billy?" Alan smiled as he knelt down beside him.

"Hey you made it" Billy whispered.

"Yeah, you too," Alan smiled. He was so pleased Billy was safe and alive.

"I rescued your hat," Billy passed Alan's hat to him.

Rose beamed as the pair talked.

"Well, that's the important thing, I'm sorry Billy, for everything," Alan said, taking his hat.

"Alan, don't. It's fine, all is forgotten," Billy smiled at Alan.

Accepting this, Alan took a seat next to Rose.

As the helicopter took off Ian shouted.

"What the hell is that?"

A flock of Pteranodons flew over the helicopter.

"Alan, look" Eric said pointing to the window.

"Where do you think they are going dad?" Rose asked

"I don't know, maybe looking for new nesting grounds, it's a whole new world for them," Alan said, looking at them fly.

"I dare them to nest in Enid Oklahoma," Amanda said.

Paul smiled at her, she smiled back to him.

"Let's go home"

"Yes, let's," Amanda replied.

The helicopter flew straight for the Costa Rica Hospital. Alan was a little on edge; he couldn't wait to hold Ellie in his arms, but he did fear her reaction after he told her everything.

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