Chapter 10: Spark Bond

Start from the beginning

The bot moaned weakly and Megatron turned away from him as the groundbridge opened. He would let Optimus live. This time.

"Megatronus?" Optimus asked and Megatron froze at the name and tone. "Where are we?"

Megatron turned around quickly and searched his enemy's face. Optimus gave him a look that Megatron hadn't seen in a very long time.

With the energy of the matrix of leadership gone... so were the memories of Optimus Prime.

"Don't you remember, old friend?" Megatron asked, helping the tired-looking bot to his feet.

Suddenly the door behind them exploded inward. Megatron turned to the Autobotsq with a snarl.

"Optimus, are you okay?" Bulkhead asked.

"Why did he call me that?" Optimus- or rather, Orion asked.

The Autobots froze and raised their blasters at Megatron. "What did you do to him?" Arcee demanded.

"Who are they?" Orion asked.

Soundwave's groundbridge opened and Megatron pushed Orion toward it. "They are our sworn enemies! And we are outnumbered! Go! I will cover you!"

Orion stumbled into the groundbridge and Megatron shot at the Autobots. They returned fire, but were not able to stop them before the groundbridge closed and Orion and Livia were gone.

And in Megatron's hands.

There was a small groan from behind them and the Autobots turned around as Olivebranch sat up.

"Don't let me kill her." Arcee told Bulkhead darkly before charging the bot with an angry shout.


Livia blinked a few times before fully coming to. A splitting headache rocked through her forehead and Livia rubbed her temples before looking around.

Everything was made of metal, fainting reminding the girl of her dream. She stood up and a dull pain stabbed into her. Livia pulled up her shirt, surprised to see bruised around her stomach.

There was a loud shifting sound and Livia looked up, dropping the shirt as part of the metal wall shifted and a silver figure stepped inside, his red eyes boring into hers.


"I see you have awoken." Megatron stated, stepping up to her.

"How the bloody slag did I get here?" Livia demanded.

"That depends on the last thing you remember."

Livia glared and put her hands on her hips. "The slag it does. You're gonna tell me or I'm not telling you! I know who you are, Decepticon."

Megatron smirked. He liked her already.

"Then, Livia, I would have to say that you arrived here yesterday after we rescued you from Olivebranch." Megatron said. "Although, unfortunately, she dropped you while escaping and we have yet to know the full extend of damage done."

Livia blinked. "What?"

Megatron nodded and sighed. "It seems you've lost more memory than we hoped."

"Would you get to the point?" Livia demanded.

Megatron sat next to her and picked her up. Livia was about to yell at him, but a sense of safety suddenly flowed through her.

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