Start from the beginning

"Huh hello guys can I help you ? Ramiris face showed that you are very important. No you are the Primordial spirits of every elements isn't it ?" I asked them.

"Expected from the Ultimate one. In fact yes we are the Primordial of every elements. "The Light spirit answered me.

"Ultimate one? Are you talking about me".

They suddenly kneeled in front of me. I was dumbfounded what do they want ?

"We the Primordial Spirits wished to serve you the Ultimate one" They all respond.

"Ehhh but why me ? I mean there are some powerful people in this world. Why me" I asked them

At my surprise the one who responded was our cute Fire spirit. "There are some powerful spirit you are right ultimate one. They can support just one of us. But we all know here that you have the power and the authority to command us. That's why we want to be under you."

"Ciel can I have spirit in me ?"

C: <Answer. Yes. And with all the Primordial spirits, master will now be able to use Primitive magic>

"Wow that's great" I exclaimed. And I started to look at the spirits. "I will be glad to have you".

Their face started to bright, they were all happy but I interrupted her. "You will be my spirits, but you are not going to be my servants. I want you to see me as a friend not as a master".

This time it was the Time spirit who talks. "This is the most beautiful thing we heared for a master. We gladly accept you offer. You have our eternal loyalty and we will never betray you. Our Lord". And again they Kneeled.

"Ciel can I name them."

C:<Answer. Yes. But they are not going to evolve. They will just increase their power and their magicules capacity.>

"Yosh... To prove that you are now my friends, I am going to name you all."

"This, my lord will be our utmost blessing". The Earth spirit exclaimed.

"Light Spirit I grant you the name Râ(Egyptian Mythology)" I shout.

"I Râ will always be on the side of my master" She exclaimed and integrated herself inside me.

C: <Light Spirit Integration successful. Master gain: [Light Elemental Manipulation] and [Aether Manipulation].>

"Time Spirit I grant you the name Janus(Roman Mythology)"

"Janus what a wonderful name. Thank you my master from now on I will always be with you" and like Râ she integrated herself inside me.

C: <Time Spirit integration, successful. Master gain: [Zeitgeist Manipulation] and [Temporal existence Manipulation].

"Darkness Spirit I grant you the name Nox(Greek Mythology)".

"Thank you my lord. I will serve you for the rest of my existence".

C: <Darkness Spirit integration, successful. Master gain: [Nether Manipulation] and [Anti Energy].

"Fire Spirit I grant you the name Shiva(Indian Mythology)."

"Thank you my lord. I will serve you with all my power."

C: <Fire Spirit integration, successful. Master gain: [Absolute Burning] and [Primordial fire Generation]>

"Water Spirit, I grant you the name Neith(Egyptian Mythology)."

"What a blessing I have. Thank you my master".

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