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                Jack wasn't an idiot. Everett had told him that there would most likely be other werewolves walking around by noon, and Jack was not looking forward to getting caught with any more Grahams alone.

Besides, a voice in his head told him as he followed Tiberius down the hall to the first floor, he smells so good.

Jack shut his eyes, shaking the thought out of his head. Then he tripped on a fold in the carpet and gasped. Tiberius caught him, a hand on his waist, the other on his shoulder. Jack was at once engulfed in a warm, musky scent.

"Are you all right?" Tiberius asked into the small space between their mouths, his breath fanning Jack's lips.

Jack was suddenly all too aware of Tiberius's thumb brushing his waist, his hand on his shoulder, his curls brushing Jack's jaw. He stumbled back, his hands shaking. "D-Don't . . . don't touch me . . ."

A smirk tugged at Tiberius's lips. Jack cursed inwardly. Why was he so breathless?

"You seem flustered," he said.

"I'm not," Jack defended immediately.

"Are you blushing again?"


Tiberius raised a brow.

"Shut up."

Tiberius was looking more and more amused by the second. "I didn't say anything."

"I –" Jack swallowed, roughly wiped a hand across his face, and stormed past him. "Whatever, are you taking me downstairs or not –"

"I heard yelling!" a boy burst very suddenly out of a nearby door, and Jack stumbled back, reaching for Tiberius arm and clinging to it. Tiberius's hand instinctively closed around his, but Jack was more preoccupied with the mystery man who was now staring at him with wide, hazel eyes. Or one hazel eye. His right eye had a large scar going through it, from his hairline down to his chin, and the color was milky white. He was half-blind.

His blonde hair was rumpled and, like Tiberius and Mira, he had more scars all over his body. He looked a little too delicate for so many injuries, but then he grinned, wide and mischievous, and the scars made more sense.

"Wow," he tilted his head at Jack and stepped towards him, hand outstretched. "Pretty toy –"

"Wyatt," Tiberius growled as Jack moved a step behind him, hiding from sight. Wyatt stopped with a single twitch of his eye. "I'm going to say this once. You lay a single finger or a look I don't like on Jack –"

"Oh," Wyatt's shoulders fell with a pout. "You never got so protective over the other ones."

Jack flinched away from Tiberius. Tiberius frowned at him over his shoulder. "The other ones?"

"Nothings," Tiberius told him fiercely. "Nothing compared to you."

But Tiberius didn't know that Everett had already told Jack he'd been with other people. He just hadn't told him what had happened to them. Were those the bodies that had been disposed of in the forest? Had Tiberius been responsible for some of them, even if he hadn't killed them himself? Would he just dispose of Jack the second he got too bored or frustrated with him?

Wyatt chuckled, giving Tiberius a wide berth as he approached Jack. He watched him like he was some sort of volcano he couldn't wait to see erupt. "He really doesn't like you, sire."

The Wolf King (The Wolf Kings #1) (MLM)Where stories live. Discover now