Idk♟☁️: Pt. 2

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Welcome to part 2. I recommend reading part 1 first to understand everything or you can suffer you decide.

Dream pov

He sat me down in the dark cave. I was groaning in pain almost screaming due to it. Techno was freaking out. Like he was pacing around trying to figure out what to do. "TECHNOLOGY BLADE MINECRAFT!"

That snapped him out his thoughts. "Stop acting like your the going to push a watermelon out of your body and put up a torch!"

No more needed to be said he lit up the place and stopped pacing he also decided to take my pants off. It hurt like hell now. I  really wish that we could have been closer to the hospital.

I am so thankful that I asked the doctor how to check how dilated you are. (By the way. I don't know how you check this crap and non of it is probably accurate so yea bear with me.) I told techno what to do. I was 8 cm (3.15 in) dilated. I had to wait just a little longer.

That little longer became a 30 minute wait much longer then I liked. I was now 10 cm (3.9 in) dilated. It's still dark out.

"Techno get over here and give me something to grab onto!"

He came over and gave me his arm I started to push. It hurt like hell I was screaming in pain. I've been in labor for like 6 hours now it hurts.

I have been pushing for around 45 minutes now and I feel like I haven't made any progress other than making techno to start crying. I screamed again sobbing in pain.

"I can't do it Techno!"

"Look Dream you have done things very remarkable you can add this to your list as well. Now come on and let's bring ranboo I to this world!"

I was pushing again and I felt some progress for the first time.
You can continue this if you want but ask first.

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