twenty eight

91 2 0

not long after billie comes out of the bathroom dressed in her white shirt and underwear underneath, her freshly dyed hair all wet. "it looks good, sit down in front of the mirror and i'll dry it" i say to her, plugging in my hair dryer.
i brush through her hair gently and turn the dryer on, making sure every part of her hair is try completely. she watches me through the mirror, a loving look on her face.

once i am finished i spin the chair around so she is facing me and brush her front pieces of hair. how the fuck does she look even hotter with black hair. i think billie noticed my reaction by the smirk plastered on her face. "i love it" i say, putting the brush down now i'm finished.

"thank you for helping" she says, standing up and bringing her hands to my waist

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"thank you for helping" she says, standing up and bringing her hands to my waist. "it's alright" i say, admiring how good she looks. it almost makes her look slightly more intimidating, like i'm going to struggle saying no to her.

"i don't have dye in my hair anymore, there's no excuse for why i can't kiss you" she says, her eyes looking up and down my body while she bites her lip.

"how the fuck do you still make me feel nervous after all this time" i say, almost slightly breathless. she smiles and rests her forehead on mine, bringing her hands up to my neck. "i will always, always love you, no matter what, i'm sorry for everything i did to you, but your not gonna get me to leave so easily, i'm yours" she tells me.

"i dont want you to leave, i forgive you billie" i say to her. she brings her forehead off of mine and looks at me lovingly in the eyes.

"you can kiss me you don't need to ask" i tell her and in the blink of an eye she pulls me closer and smashes her lips onto mine, not just a little peck this time. "fuck i missed you" she says, kissing me again.


billie left at around 9 this morning, just before my mom shouted me down for breakfast.

elliot and I are currently messing about outside with the basket ball net on our driveway. me and him have bonded really quickly and I like it. "see if you can get it in from back here" he says, stood at the edge of the drive. i go over to him and take the ball and throw it, completely missing.

"that was great" i hear finneas say, running across to us and grabbing the ball and instantly throwing it into the net.

"yeah well you two are just show offs" he says, claudia now joining us too.

my brother passes me the ball again and makes me stand a bit closer, I throw it and it hits the back and bounces for a bit before going in. "see I'm not that bad" i say and they all look quite impressed.

we all continue messing about for a bit, playing around like big kids until we see billie pull up outside her brothers house. she rolls down her window and leans out smiling. "what are you guys doing" she asks, letting out a small laugh.

"we're having fun" finneas says, trying to dunk the ball in the net.

she looks at me and motions for me to come over whilst the others mess around. i lean my arms onto the frame of the window and look at her. "wait did you cut bangs in your hair?" I ask and she nods. "do you like it?" she asks me.

"yeah I like it" I say to her.

"open the door, come sit here" she says, tapping her lap.

I smile.

"I can't, my mom is home" i tell her.

she shrugs her shoulders and smirks. "my windows are tinted" she says, opening the door making me step to the side.

she hooks her finger in the loop of my blue jeans and pulls me to her. I give in and sit in between of my legs, resting my back in her chest, closing the car door behind me. she rests her chin on my shoulder and rubs her hands up and down my waist.

"let's stay here forever" she says relaxing.

we sit watching them all playing across the road.

"Q, eli, isaac join us" finneas says excitedly.

billie rolls up the window instantly.

"what are you doing?" i ask her, turning a bit so i can see her face. she meets me eyes and sighs.
"i can't look at his face, i want to punch him" she says to me.

"I know but it's not just his fault it's mine too" i say to her. she pecks my forehead gently. "yeah well I don't want to think about that" she says and I nod.

"come on let's go and say hi" I say opening her car door and walking over to them.

Q spots me and walks to me, picking me up and spinning me around. "sup billie" he says, fist bumping her. "nice hair".

"thanks dude" she says.

he runs off and starts playing with the ball with the others.

"hey" elijah says, giving me a small hug. "hi" I awkwardly say to him. he looks at billie and she instantly shakes her head, basically telling him not to bother. he nods and joins the boys.

billie stands in front of me and puts her arms around my shoulders, pulling me into her. I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my head in the crook of her neck. "I'm guessing you two have made up" Q says.

"of course we have" billie says, playing with my hair gently as she holds me in her arms.

"shall we all chill at mine and eat some food and go in the backyard and stuff" finneas asks, all of us agreeing.

@billieeilish it's all for you

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@billieeilish it's all for you

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 19 ⏰

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