twenty one

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it's been two months since billie left for tour, not one of us have heard from her. nobody. sure we see all her instagram posts of what a great fucking time she's having, with her new dyed teal hair.

i cant believe she did that to me, left and pretended nothing between me and her ever happened. i don't really know what to think of her anymore. i did love her but now i'm not so sure about that.

"told you she'd hurt you didn't i, and you thought i was wrong for not liking her" my mom says as i sit on the kitchen counter dangling my legs down. it's a boring sunday evening, nobody has anything to do and we're all bored as fuck.

"i don't ever want to get in a relationship, they look like they suck" my younger sister says, making my dad laugh. "your too young to think about that darling" he says, turning his attention back to the golf on tv.

the doorbell rings and nobody wants to answer it so we all just stare at each other. if these bitches think i'm answering it they can think again.

my mom groans and goes over opening the door. "claudia, what a surprise come in" she says, her tone of voice being very surprised. the brunette walks into the kitchen and i give her a confused look, jumping down off the counter.

she gives me a long hug, holding me tight. "your back already i thought the tour still had another  month left?" i question. she shakes her head. "i left early for some work. but the others are coming back tomorrow she's cancelled the rest of the tour cause she wasn't going great" she explains.

great i have to see billie sooner than i expected or maybe i can just pretend she's not here.

"how's it been?" my dad questions, turning the tv off now wanting to seem rude. "it's great but tiring, i don't know how billie and finneas manage to do the shows every night" she tells us. but then stops herself and looks at me once she mentions billies name.

"it's cool i'm over it" i tell her, and she nods slowly a sad look on her face. "i'm sorry it had to happen like this, everyones mad at her about it" she explains to me.

i shrug my shoulders and sigh, "i don't really wanna talk about her right now" i say and she nods understandingly.

i sit down on the couch next to my dad scrolling through instagram for the 20th time today, seeing the same posts over and over again because everyone is boring and nobody posts. i come across one that makes me roll my eyes and sigh.

billieeilish: see you on the next leg of tour <3

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

billieeilish: see you on the next leg of tour <3

i lock my phone and throw it down on the couch next to me, definitely getting a reaction from my dad but he laughs it off. he understands me on another level.

"yo i'm gonna go to bed cause i unfortunately have school tomorrow and it's getting late. but claudia i'll see you soon yeah" i tell her and she nods happily. i excuse myself and sprint upstairs because fuck walking i want to get in my bed as soon as possible.

I'll keep you safe: billie eilishTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang