Chapter thirty-two

Começar do início

"Did they ever find the killer?" she shakes her head and I sigh. I'd bet everything I have, which isn't much but still, that their deaths had something to do with the treasure. Perhaps Marcus wasn't the only one searching for it. "Do you know if I have any other family, apart from you. On my father's side or..." I trail off at her troubled expression. Mrs. Ravens, it feels too weird to call her grandma, turns her back on me and steps away to stare out the window. "What?" I bite out not caring about my rude tone. This day has been emotionally taxing and I'm so far beyond niceties they're not even a dot in the distance.

"From what Amerie told me, Marcus had an older brother. Their relationship wasn't great. I believe he's the reason Marcus joined the pack."

The skin between my brow's creases with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Marcus, his brother and father didn't get along. They had different ideas of what Marcus's life should look like. I suppose your father rebelled by joining the pack. And since the brother and father were both members of the Pride, there was no greater betrayal." Slowly, she turns to look at me. "His father stepped down recently. From what I gather, your uncle is now the leader of the Pride."

He's coming for you.

There's nowhere for you to run. He's coming for you. They all are. They've waited a long-

Shade's fathers words run on repeat in my mind. The car crash and shooting afterwards flash through my head. They were all members of the Pride. None of them tried to kill me. They were trying to take me.

"... I tried to get the police to look into them but of course they have them in their pocket. Somehow, they got the police in Queen cove to get the out of towners to stop looking into them." Mrs. Ravens words float into my ears from far away.

"What did you just say?" I force the memories into the back of my mind.

"The Pride tried to kill Marcus and Duncan on multiple occasions. Marcus didn't just abandon his family, he betrayed them. Making him an enemy of the Pride. By marrying him, Amerie became one by association. Nothing was stolen from their home. It wasn't a robbery gone wrong it was straight up murder. There's no one else I know who would want them both dead. And if they were innocent why stop the investigation?" anger replaces the sorrow in her voice and her stormy gaze turns cold.

Gangs never want the police to look too closely at them whether they're innocent or not, but it'd make sense. If Amerie and Marcus moved away, they left the protection of the pack. Making them easy targets for the Pride to exact their revenge on. There's really only one way to find out if she's right or not.

Ice fills my veins as the pounding in my chest slows into a determined and steady rhythm. Steely resolve fills me as cold fury spreads through my body filling every nook and cranny. "Do you have any guns in the house?"

Mrs. Ravens scans my face and whatever she finds there makes her exhale heavily before nodding. "I'm assuming you'll need a vehicle." She states heading out of the room and leading me up the stairs. My brows shoot up as she unlocks a panel in a wall and steps into a room filled with all kinds of weapons. "My late husband was a bit of a collector." She explains and motions for me to take what I need.

As I pick out two knives and two guns along with a holster Mrs. Ravens leaves the room only to return with a bundle of clothes. Holding them out to me she smiles sadly. "These were your mothers. You look to be the same size and height so they should fit." I look down at my wet shirt and tights.

"Thanks," quickly I slip into the black slim jeans and white button up. I drag the brown old school holster onto my shoulders and tuck the guns in. Holding up the dark brown leather jacket I take in the nicks and scratches on it. Signs of use that makes a warmth spread through my chest. My mom wore this when she was my age. Carefully I slip it on and skim my fingers over the material. I grab a few extra magazines and slip one of the knifes into a thigh holster and hide the other in the black boots Mrs. Ravens gives me.

"I know I have no authority to stop you from whatever trouble your up to, but I can tell you to be careful and come back. So, be careful and please come back to visit. I'd love to get to know my grandchild." Mrs. Ravens voice is thick with emotion as the door to the garage lifts to reveal a row of cars and motorcycles.

I nod, not wanting to explicitly promise everything. There's a lot of information for me to sort through not to mention the complete failure of finding any signs of the treasure. I'll have to come back, if only to search the house. I still think the clue to follow the raven has to do with this place and family.

I stare longingly at the motorcycles. I've never had one of my own but the guy I dated before Sebastian taught me how to drive. Seb never let me though so it's been a while. Mrs. Ravens throws me a set of keys. She nods toward a black Kawasaki ninja and I happily bounce over to it. "Both my husband and I used to ride. Now I'm too old but I keep buying them. Makes me feel young I guess." She says shrugging. As I turn the ignition, she closes her eyes and breathes in revelling in the rumble from the engine. She gives me a stern look before tossing me a sleek black helmet and I dutifully put it on. With a curt nod of goodbye, I flip down the visor and zoom out of the garage. She must have let the guards at the gate know I was coming because they let me through without stopping.

In spite of everything I've learnt and the anger and sorrow sinking its claws into my heart the sides of my mouth turn up into a smile. The wind tugs at my clothes as the bike rumbles beneath me. I turn toward the highway leading to Queens cove only to find two large SUVs blocking the road. What can only be Pack members stop cars and inspect them, probably searching for me. Slowing down, I come to a halt behind the cars slowly crawling forward. The car in front of me is cleared and waved through. The wolves wait for me to drive to them waving me closer. They'll figure out its me soon enough and even if I drive past them, they'll follow my tail the entire way. Which would be hard to do without cars. They'll call for backup of course, but by then I'll be gone and harder to find. Let's hope the few shooting lessons I got before my initiation assignment was enough to pull this off without accidentally shooting someone.

I crawl forward until I reach them, then speed up and breeze past forcing the men to jump aside. I drive between the SUVs, the space not large enough for a car but just wide enough for my bike to get through. Pulling a gun out I keep one hand on the steering wheel and turn back firing off a round into their tires. The men shout as they duck behind the cars. It doesn't seem like I hit anyone. The tires deflate making satisfaction surge through me as the wolves angrily yelled curses fade behind me.

Holstering the gun, I turn back. Leaning down closer to the bike, I pick up speed as the bike veers onto the highway. Weaving between cars I fly down the road, basking in the last rays of sunlight as the sun disappears beneath the horizon.  

Forget about meOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora