My Own Worst Enemy Chapter 1

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"You saw that?" Rashid asked.

"Yes. On it!" Azhar replied. He sailed his boat closer to a fiberglass boat while Rashid announced over the loudspeaker.

"Attention! You are in Singapore waters! Cut your engine!"

That night, Rashid and Azhar were on the graveyard shift. They had to patrol a specific area of the sea south of Singapore. Illegal immigrants had always used the night's darkness as a blanket to get into Singapore. It was not uncommon for the Singapore Police Coast Guards to catch dozens trying to get a better life by entering the promised lands of Singapore.

Azhar was piloting his Patrol Craft while Rashid was on the lookout. The Patrol Craft's bright white light caught an unlit blue small fiberglass boat trying to sneak past them.

The two heard the engine of the illegal boat dying off. Azhar sailed the boat parallel to the unlawful boat, as close as possible, and Rashid tied both the boats together. He used his torchlight and searched the ship, only to see one person on it. One skinny, distressed-looking lady with a piece of cloth covering her hair and face, squatting and trying to hide in one dark corner of the boat. Only her sharp eyes were visible, and no one could miss her gaze. She tried to block her eyes from Rashid's flashlight. Realizing that his light was hurting her eyes, he pointed it away.

"Can you please stand up and remove that cloth from your head?" Rashid commanded, and she did as told. He walked up to her, placed both her wrists together, and used a black plastic cable tie to tie it around her wrists. Rashid could see her face closely now. She looked like she was around the age of her late twenties. Her skin was tan, and her facial features were on point. She had a sharp nose, stunning eyes, a sharp chin, and a short bob haircut, and her hair was black as the darkness of the night. She looked attractive even though she was pretty unkempt.

"Where's the rest?" Rashid asked.

"I'm the only one," came the reply.

"What's your name?


"Samara, you're under arrest for trying to enter Singapore illegally. Please step onto the Patrol Craft," Rashid ordered her.

Samara carefully stepped over to the Patrol Craft while Rashid followed her behind. Once Samara took her seat on the deck, Rashid untied the fiberglass boat, and Azhar sailed away from it. While the Patrol craft started to pick up speed, Azhar informed his headquarters back on the island about their capture.

Rashid sat in front of Samara and took a good look at her. He pitied her condition. A natural beauty like her had to end up in Singapore demeaningly. "Where's your family from?" Rashid asked.

"Palembang" Samara replied.

"Wow. That's a long way from here. Why?" Rashid asked. Samara remained silent. Rashid shook his head, "You can call your parents once you get processed."

Rashid stood up to join Azhar in the cabin, leaving her behind.

Samara stood up quickly, put her hands in front of Rashid's face, and down to his neck. She used the cable tie tied around her wrists and strangled his neck, pulling him down to the deck floor. She used her entire body weight to crush his larynx so that he would not be able to shout for help. Rashid struggled, trying to release her from her death hold. He kicked his legs frantically; his boots made scratch marks on the deck floor. Samara bit her teeth tightly to muster all the strength to crush his neck. Rashid eventually stopped struggling, and his legs stopped moving.

She pushed him aside, dragged him to the boat's edge, and threw him overboard to the dark waters, making a big splash sound.

The sound startled Azhar, who did not see any of this. He stopped his engine and went back to the deck to probe the sound. "What was that?" Azhar saw only Samara, sitting down as if nothing had happened.

"Where's Rashid?" he asked. Samara raised her cable-tied hands and pointed out to the sea. Azhar drew out his pistol from his holster and pointed it at Samara while slowly stepping to the edge of the craft. Azhar looked out of the boat, but he could not see anything in the dark. Only the dark waves crashed on the side of the ship.

Azhar drew back his attention to Samara. "Where is Rashid? What did you do to him?" Samara gave a blank stare back at him, with no emotions and her eyes were dead. She stood up and walked towards Azhar.

Azhar freaked out at the moment. "Stay back, or I will shoot!" he shouted. Samara walked close to him, quickly grabbed his wrists, and turned away from him. Azhar shot a round out, but it missed Samara. She used her elbow and gave a hard blow to his face, breaking his nose. Azhar shrieked in pain.

After which, she hit his wrists on her knee, causing him to drop his pistol to the floor. Azhar tried to kick the gun away from her, but Samara kicked him in his abdomen hard, making him stumble and drop to his back. She picked up his pistol, pointed it at him, and shot his brains out. Azhar's brain matter and blood splattered all over the deck floor.

Samara took a breather after her second kill of the night. She walked to the cabin, saw the First Aid box, and opened it to get a pair of scissors. She cut the cable tie off, started the boat's engine, and sailed towards Singapore.

The boat reached Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, located in the southern end of Singapore. She docked the boat at the jetty and cut the engine. She wore Azhar's police uniform and walked casually towards the Customs gate. The uniform had Azhar's blood splatters, but the gore did not disgust Samara. She liked the smell of blood anyway, and she had seen so much blood and gore throughout her career. The splatters were not apparent to anyone else as they blended nicely on the dark blue uniform. The terminal was deserted and lonely except for the Customs officer lady.

Samara walked past the officer lady without giving a glance.

"Where's the subject?" the officer asked as she walked past her. The officer lady had received Azhar's earlier message about their capture, and she had been waiting for them. Samara pointed back to the craft while walking straight to the taxi stand.

The unsuspecting officer went over to the craft to proceed with the process of arresting the "illegal immigrant." Samara opened the rear passenger door of a light blue cab waiting at the taxi stand and boarded it. The cab drove away from the terminal.

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