Good Bye Is Not An Option:part one: meet the family- part one

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  recap : I plopped my stuff on the floor and collapsed on the bed, falling un willingly to sleep.

Waking up was a joy, it started with a chorus of muttered, questions out side my door

“how old is she?”

“is she hot?”

“can she cook?”  a lazy voice in the back round, the only female one said

“the more important question is can she clean”. the barrage of questions continued, until I finally decided to get off of the bed, I took off my long dark blue trench coat (forgot to mention I was wearing that didn’t I )  and put it in the closet,

that left me in my plain white long sleeve dress, that was no more then a really really large shirt, I had many of them, they where one of the only ones I liked, I had a plane black tee underneath and it showed through just on the top, I wore my comfy with leggings, and had tossed off my brown, horseracing style boots in the corner, only to reveal my socks ar my feet.

The one thing I liked to have even one spot of color, where my socks, I had lots and lots of them, all different colors lengths, patterns. I could never where matching ones either, I was wearing right now a black and yellow striped sock, and a purple and pink pocadotted one, they where around the same height (just to my knees) but scrunched to my feet at different lengths.

I walked over to the door intent on finding a bath room

“come on skylar, just let us threw, we want to see our new room mate” a smooth voice said it sent chills up my spine “you wouldn’t be hiding her if she wasn’t something to look at”.I heard a murmured chorus of greement

“I just don’t want to scare her that’s all, she seemed pretty freaked out and all, when I told her about you guys” he said sofley, I felt my eye brows scrunch together in a line, so he had realized that about me, how un comftorble I was around men. I felt a string tugging at my heart at how sweet skylar must be, apart of me couldn’t wait to get to know him.

“no calling dibs yet bro, we still haven’t see-” I opened the door “her” he continued,.the previous comment had come from a Hispanic looking guy, who whore a tight looking blue v neck sweater and tight skinny jeans, there where too other guys that looked alto a like, one in a button down grey top, the other in a green billa bong tee, they both had similar facial structures, brown hair, and blue eyes, thought one of them looked more green than the other, and the shorter one was defiantly younger, so I assumed they where brothers.

Towards the back looking un interested where a scruffy red haired guy with glasses and clear silver eyes.

 and the boy that made my skin crawl, I could tell just by looking at him., he had wicked looking black eyes, dark dark moronish hair, and deathly pale skin, his teeth, bared in a cocky grin/smirk, looked nearly pointed, he looked like…a damon. He whore a black button down shirt.

That wasn’t the only thing about the, they where all, amazingly gorgeous to say the least.

Skylar had his back towards me, and turned around, “hey mar“. the taller brother # 1 stuck out his had and gave me a closed eyed smile

“nice to meat you, I’m Nathaniel, you can call me, Nate”

”Mara” I said looking down and avoiding my eyes, hugging my arm to my chest out of habit.  he patted brother # 2 on the shoulder,

“this little runt is Reid, he’s a freshmen and I’m a junior” he pointed to the Hispanic looking man “that’s Ralf, or ralfey as we all like to call him, tell it to his face he hates it” ralf gritted his teeth, and tackled Nate, the wrestled on the ground wail skylar, and Reid looked on. The dude with the scruffy looking red hair  smiled at me and shock my hand

Good Bye Is Not An Option: Part One - The boys of Anorbor AcademeyWhere stories live. Discover now