Chapter 24 - The Anomaly in the Nine Realms [Pt. 2]

Start from the beginning

Pro 1 was she could finally enter the world of supernatural in this realm and participate in it, rather than just be a spectator. The con was that she would be exposing her hide and would just put herself in more danger. She can't even calculate the risk with all the other unknown factors in this world.

She could potentially be trapped in binding agreements, or slavery contracts if she didn't watch her every step there, which, in her opinion, was a fate worse than death.

Someone like her, the Black Widow, falling in such a predicament? Embarrassing.

Embarrassing and unacceptable.

But there is a small chance. A small chance that she might find an ally inside that world. An ally that can help her find her way back home.

An exhibitionist once said, you can't attract the sharks if you won't dangle your feet in the water.

Stupid the advice may be, but Natasha was going to take it in this situation.

Thirty years was a long time.

Natasha pulled the corners of her lips upwards, easing her facial expression to that of a smile and held out a hand. "Well then, let's hear your situation out, shall we?"

A grin decorated Hong Cexui's lovely face, as he took the hand that was offered to him and grasped it firmly.


The relationship between the Immortal Tribe - generally, anyone that does not have mostly black on their outfit color palette - and the Demon Tribe was not cordial, but it was infinitely better than the one they have with the Ghost Tribe.

Feng Jiu did not want to make a big deal out of having communication with a Demon Lord, of all people - all kinds of rumours fly throughout the realms - but it had proved to be a baseless worry, what with the various gods submitting reports of abnormalities one after another.

Feng Jiu and XiaoYu had been giving each other discreet glances throughout the whole duration of the meeting, one which had not gone unnoticed - not that either of them cared, given that there was a whole other shitshow of a time bomb that was awaiting to be unveiled.

She had given the order to locate the Unnatural, and XiaoYu had found a trace of it in the mortal realm, however, the lead was a dead end. Haizzz, everything was fine for millenia, why did it start to suddenly fold in on itself now? Furthermore, if the demons or the ghost tribe found out about the Unnatural, more trouble was brewing.

"We still don't even know if there were more of us sent here by the Space Stone, and we have no way of sending out missives without attracting attention," Feng Jiu's brows furrowed in displeasure. Not even talking about those who participated in the Great Battle, what if they had managed to send in someone with great knowledge on warships and weapons?

Yggdrasil help her if she sees a nucleus blaster in this world. Because while she does admit that she's grown positively mental over the fact that she can't travel one place to another anymore without hopping on a ship and putting said ship on autopilot so she could sleep her way to there, she does put an emphasis on respecting the Law of Causality.

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