𝗥𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 || Kurapika x reader

Start from the beginning

"I come from a family of scholars. We specialized in historical research, and we owned a library full of ancient texts and artifacts. I was around thirteen when the Phantom Troupe raided the library... killing my father and sister in the process. My mother and I escaped, but we lost everything... our family, our passion, our reason for living." Y/N takes a shaky breath, Kurapika noticing tears threatening to spill from Y/N's eyes.

"I took the hunter exam because I wanted a license so I could use the hunter website to gain more knowledge about the Troupe. My father and sister might not be able to come back, but I swore I'd retrieve our stolen belongings no matter the cost... so that they can rest easy."

"Why don't you tell him about your nen Y/N? You've been training with me for a couple months now, it's a good idea to give Kurapika here a preview of what he's getting into." Izunavi suggests as he helps himself to seconds.

"Well for starters, I'm also a conjurer. Since I'm so well versed in literature due to my background, my ability is centered around this interest. I think it's best if I just give you a demonstration..."

Kurapika watches as Y/N stands and unstraps a large book that was hanging from their belt. Kurapika is shocked to see the book floating on its own, one of Y/N's hands hovering under it, the other on top. Y/N uses their mind to flip the pages, settling on one.

Izunavi crosses his arms in prideful anticipation as Y/N recites a verse that Kurapika recognizes from a poem. Beside him, he watches as a small lily pad sprouts from his cup of water. Closing their book, Y/N sits back down across from Kurapika.

"Any guesses of what my ability is?" Y/N muses, an amused look playing on their face.

"I recognized that poem... it was read to me as a child. Is your ability to conjure a reality of whatever happens in the poem?" Kurapika questions, his curiosity piqued.

From beside them, Izunavi laughs. "You sure are perceptive! Spot on!!"

"You're correct. My ability has two key limitations though. The first is that I can only recite one verse at a time without any repercussions... any more than that and my throat will start to bleed from the strain. The second is that the more demanding a verse, the more life energy is drained from me. A lily pad doesn't take much effort, but if I wanted to conjure a mansion... well, it'd be a great strain to put it lightly."

Kurapika sighs, placing his head on his hand. "Your ability is flawed though... what kind of defense can you use?"

Y/N laughs and lets their book hover over one of their hands. With the other, they make sure Kurapika is watching as they touch an unsuspecting caterpillar. Kurapika stands in shock as the caterpillar disappears, Y/N turning the book around to show that the caterpillar was now an illustration in their book.

"As long as I touch you and have my book open, you'll become an illustration in my book. This ability only works once a day though, so if I'm jumped by a group I'd have to resort on my basic defense skills." Y/N says as they gather the empty bowls.

"Have you thought about your ability at all Kurapika?" Y/N asks, looking up to see Kurapika gripping onto his clothes.

"Not yet... but I have ideas." he responds. Izunavi stands and pats Kurapika on the back. "Get some rest kid, tomorrow I'll give you hell... Y/N can attest to that."

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