My One and Only. My One True Love.

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Ladybug laughed, cradling his jaw in her palm, her thumb tenderly caressing his skin. "Don't worry, he didn't spoil anything. It was still the perfect finale to the month you've given me, Chaton. There were so many tears that my make-up had to be redone a few times. Alya promised to scold you for that, by the way. "

Chat leaned into her touch, his eyes closing, the purrs in his chest gaining a decibel in volume. He hadn't done anything special. He had only sent her flowers every day, arranged a few spa days for her and her friends, given her a couple of presents, or rather hid them in various places for Marinette to find, and took her on a dozen dates he hoped she'd remember for quite some time. Nothing any man in love wouldn't do for his bride. "You deserve the world, my Lady. I wish I could give you so much more."

"All I want is you, Chaton." She bopped his nose, her lips stretching in a smile. "And I nowhere near deserve all of that—"

Chat shook his head. "Lies. All month long, you made my favourite dishes and gave me the most amazing presents every day—"

"Little trinkets. Nothing special. And some of those were just letters; not worth much."

He leaned down, kissing his lips slowly. "Those were the best of them all."

"Marinette!!!" Alya's voice thundered below them. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you have ten seconds to get your butt back here before I'm coming for you, and believe me, it isn't going to be pretty when I do!"

Chat tightened his hold on his Lady, pulling her closer. "I think we've been caught."

"You think so?" She grabbed his face and smooched his lips one last time. "I better go if we want this wedding to happen. Can't marry a dead bride, now can you?"


"No, I cannot." Chat quickly stole another peck before letting her go, a lopsided grin still lingering on his lips even after she was long gone from his view. Gosh, he loved this woman. He was born to adore and protect her, and he couldn't wait to marry her. To become her husband and to call her his. To snuggle up with her in their bed and quietly talk into the night, and later, prove to her over and over again just how much she meant to him.


Of all the daydreams Marinette had about this day, none came even close to reality. The venue—the magnificent Château Bouffémont— was straight out of a fairy tale. One of the most elegant and graceful buildings Marinette had ever seen, it stood wrapped in a blanket of luscious gardens filled with century-old trees, neatly trimmed shrubs, and arrays of beautiful flowers. There was history about it. Charm, authenticity, and character. Something Marinette had tried to express in her dress. Something that defined her and Adrien's relationship.

"You're alright, pumpkin?" Tom asked, coming to stand beside her, the biggest of grins playing on his face.

Marinette couldn't help but reach out and give her father a tight hug. His dream of walking her down the aisle was finally coming true and she couldn't be happier for either of them. "Thank you for everything, Papa. I love you so much. You and Maman."

"We love you too, pumpkin." Tom's arms tightened around her for just a moment before he pulled back, tears glistering in his eyes. "Now, go and be happy for us. Alright?"

"Will do." Her eyes shifted to Alya and Kagami, quietly talking at the glass-panelled double doors that led out to the garden where the ceremony was about to start. Marinette couldn't help but smile. Without them, this day wouldn't have been going as perfectly as it was. Not without Alya's resourcefulness and negotiation skills that were irreplaceable in finding the best options for everything quickly and efficiently. And certainly not without Kagami, under whose watchful eyes none of the people involved even thought of making a mistake or slipping up. She'd have to thank them somehow because those two made the day she was marrying the love of her life truly—

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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