Chapter 8

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'Fucks sake'
▸ ♡ ┈┈┈┈ ♡ ┈┈┈┈ ♡ ◂

"Uncle Nicky!" Bitsy exclaimed she jumped on the tall man with the cool eye patch to receive her usual hug. If it was anyone else he would have fired them on the spot, with a gun or the loss of their job either one would do.

He preferred his gun.

"Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time. My contacts all say he's building something. The amount of Vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing." He explained the situation to the team of misfits, hoping to whatever god is out there, that this whole situation would be over soon.

It's just that he has so much paperwork that's lying on his desk just laughing at him.

Steve looked at him "What about Ultron himself?"

"Ah. He's easy to track, he's everywhere. Guy's Multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. Still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans though." Fury explained to the group sitting around the dining table, all eyes on him. Except for Tony of course.

Bitsy sat at the end of the table tapping her fingers, she felt a little better than she did last night. Well if you don't count the nightmares that plagued her mind while trying to fall asleep.

"He still going after launch codes?"

Nick sighed, "Yes, he is, but he's not making any headway."

Tony threw a dart at the target "I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare." He said.

Fury snickered "Your, not the only one, little Miss sticky fingers cracked it at 15." He said sending her a narrowed glare.

Tony and the rest of the team looked at Tara while she smiled sheepishly, looking up from where she had been picking at her nails. "What!? I was bored!" she exclaimed.

Tara had zoned out for a while after that, she knew Pietro had feelings for her, and no matter how bad she wanted to be with him.

He wasn't James or well James entirely, she wants to get to know this version of him. Maybe fall in love all over again, their soulmates so it's bound to happen. They just have a base of mutual feelings to go off of.

And of course, her love for him as well but that's beside the point.

"They don't need to be protected, they need to evolve. Ultron's going to evolve." Bruce breathed out.

That caught her attention. If he wanted to 'evolve' then he would need to be out of a metal body. Where would he find a host like human anyway?


Bitsy scrunched her eyebrows and wrinkled her nose. She jolted her head up "Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?" she said as she looked around at the team.

"How could you?!" Wanda drew in a sharp breath starring at Ultron.

"How could I what?"

Wanda stepped back shaking her head "You said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world." He had lied to them, everything thing he said. Lies.

Pietro didn't want to destroy the Avengers anymore. He saw how close they were to Tara and Stark was her father, it would cause her a lot of pain. Pietro didn't want to hurt her, she was his lifeline and he didn't even know her for fucks sake!

All he had was a handful of memories of the gorgeous girl and her four best friends, he loves her with his whole being and couldn't bear the thought of hurting her.

"That is not- the human race will have every opportunity to improve." Ultron stumbled on his words.

Pietro glared at him "And if they don't?" He questioned.

"Ask Noah."

"You're a madman."

Ultron explained, "There were more than a dozen extinction-level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs.  When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it, and believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room for the week."


Natasha dropped down from the Quinjet on a bike and rides towards the truck. Bitsy was helping the crowd when two police officers came up to her.

"Are you with-" He got caught off by the sound of a motorcycle zooming a bit too close.

Tara smirked and saluted, she reached back and grabbed Nat's arm "See ya' losers." She exclaimed.

She bent down and grabbed Steve's shield and handed it to Nat. "I'm always picking up after you boys." she chuckled.

"I've been doing that for 41 years, Tasha." Tara smiled sadly while getting ready to jump on the truck that metal pants and Cap were having a 'big boys brawl' on.

"Cap, Bitsy can you keep him occupied?" Natasha called into the coms.

"On it," Tara said as she climbed over the side of the truck. Black mist swirled around her body as she launched herself at the robot, mist tangled in wires trying to find the right one to cause the most damage.

It worked.

He spazzed throwing her to the side. She barely had enough time to grab onto Cap's arm and spin to the side kicking him in the stomach. Would it be considered his stomach?


"Please don't do this" Ultron pleaded.

Wanda looked at him "What choice do we have?" she asked.

Ultron flew off right as Tara reached Cap. She had gotten hit by a piece of metal that had Torn through her chest hitting some major arteries. Oh well.

She called Death to her and pulled his energy to help heal her. Sure she was immortal but that doesn't mean she isn't prone to bleed out.

She smoked in front of the train Wanda not far behind her.

Mist surrounded her, eyes blacked out, hair floating above her. The wheels screeched to a slow stop.

Wanda was trying her best to slow the train down but she was quickly tiring, Tara took a couple of steps forward mist twisting around the screws popping them off, her body hit the train and it came to a full stop.

Bitsy felt an intrusion "My child you put me through a lot of stress, come I will heal you." Death sighed out.

He knew Tara had a small amount of hatred towards him, just like he knew everything. That's why she needs to be here in this reality, with these people. She's marked by him, his heiress. She will take over for him when the time is right.

She reached her mist out and gently grabbed his outstretched arm and was instantly in the realm of Death.

Steve started back to the tower with the twins in tow. Pietro looked around "Where is Tara?" He questioned accent heavy.

"She will meet us at the tower, she took a hit but she will be fine. She's strong." Cap states while striding forward.

Pietro was worried. Tara was hurt, his Tara.

He cringed, he was starting to sound creepy. "Yes, she is." He smiled slightly.

Hey, guys new chapter!
Hope you are invested and looking forward to new ones!
-Greeds <3

1183 words

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