Chapter 7

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'Pretty redhead'
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It was a while later and they were all sitting at the table.

Nat smiled and asked, "Could you tell us more about it?"

Bitsy hesitated then she smiled "It was amazing. I was part of the marauders in school, as you know. One of my best friends and Sirius's boyfriend, Remus was a werewolf. He was bit by Greyback when he was five. When we were in the fifth year we turned into animagus to help him on the full moon." She smiled sadly remembering every time they all snuggled him while drinking hot chocolate to make him feel better.

The others were listening and we're glad that she was feeling at least a little better. Besides they were intrigued.

"We were the pranksters. Innocent until proven guilty was what we went by and we hardly got in trouble because we cleared our tracks very well. There was James who came up with the group and most ideas, Sirius helped plan, Remus made sure most of them went right and knew how to not get caught, and I was the one to casted most of the pranks." She was getting excited remembering the good old times.

Oh how she missed them.

Bruce cut in "James? The boy you love?" He questioned.

Her smile had faltered "Yes, James Flemont Potter. He was my best friend, I started to liked him when I was in my second year and fell in love with him the third year. But sadly he didn't love me back." She said in a weak voice, she remembered one time at a party he had gotten drunk and kissed her then had proceeded to say all the things he loved about her, from the way see walked to the way she laughed.

But that's the thing he was drunk and didn't know what he was talking about so she helped him to bed and the next day it was like nothing had happened.

"Why?" Steve said softly, Bitsy was an amazing person who couldn't love her?

She shrugged "Because of Lily Evans. Muggleborn, everyone called her the smartest witch of the age but I was at the top of the class every year. She had pretty red hair and bright green eyes." she spoke with a sad look but it quickly changed to a confused one.

"But what I don't understand is why they had different Patronus," She replied. They should indeed have been the same.

Tony looked at her "That's the shield charm correct?" He responded, he had learned as much as he could from her so he knew what she was talking about.

Nodding she said "Yes, it drives away dementors, but it's also the same as the one you love..." She trailed off, and then she froze. Snape and Evans had the same forms in the photo, and she and James had the same form.

"I had the same one as James." looking at them with wide eyes and then she started to laugh. She felt tears at the corner of her eyes, she was so confused all she could do was laugh. She didn't know how to feel she had so many questions yet again.

"He did love me?, then why did he marry Evans?" She questioned once she had calmed down. She wanted to know, desperately although she knew it wouldn't change anything but that was ok.

As with that, she understood one problem "That's why Pietro said he had feelings for me but he didn't know why!" She exclaimed but upon seeing the confused faces she explained.

She paused "Death sent me to a multiverse as you already know." They had all nodded so she continued "Pietro the enhanced is James Potter." Now, this shocked the team. She forgot she had only told her dad.

Bruce asked "How is he James?" The team was confused James was dead, Tara had told them he died. You cant just bring someone back to life, also he died in 1981?

She proceeded to explain "There are multiple versions of every human being, right? That is what Pietro is, there the same person just in different fonts basically. But the one thing that does not change is our destiny and it attaches to you- to your soul. Meaning that if he loves me in this life, he had to of loved me in my other life. Does that make sense?"

The team nodded even though they were still slightly confused and had some questions. Nat spoke up "So your soulmates?"

Tara did not know about that, she would have to ask Death "I don't actua-.." She had not got to finish as she had felt an intrusion in her mind.

"Yes, you and James Potter are soulmates. In your first timeline something had stopped him from being with you but I cannot say what." Death had heard her call and came to answer her question, he has been busy the last couple of days. This made him unable to come but he was there now, that's all that matters.

With that she felt that he had left and focused on the present, which was everyone staring at her. "Sorry, He was answering the question. Yes, we are soulmates which I did not know of till now. He has been busy with the dead and all." She apologized.

"Who was?" Steve had asked, no one was talking leading them to have even more questions then before.

Tara paused, she didn't tell them? Hm, maybe she just told Tony "Death had sent me here, meaning I can communicate with him. Although he's a bastard, he's a great conversationalist." She replied like it was the most normal thing to do. She can speak to Death for fuck sakes, does this mean God isn't real? What about Heaven or Hell?

Seeing there faces she quickly explained because Tony wanted to know the same things when she told him "No God is not real, No there is not a Heaven nor Hell. There is only Death and his realm." She was being blunt but she didn't really care, she had excepted Death, embraced Death.

"Oh, and no you cannot hide from Death, he collects you when you are ready. Life and Death go hand in hand, without one the other does not exist." As she finished she got up to go get ready for bed, she was exhausted.

Everyone except Tony we're still trying to wrap there heads around what they had just been told. They knew answers that hundreds would kill to have. 

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Hi everyone!
I hope you are all enjoying so far.
Also the ending about Death and the soul thing I made it up in the moment so bare with me lmao :)
Alright bye, love you <3

1134 words

Bastard||James Potter✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα