Chapter 1

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   'Fucking life story'
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There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you have had enough.

Apparently, Death did not get the memo.

Tara Black;
Born to the noble house of Black, November 3, 1956. Five minutes after her twin Sirius Black. They did everything together, eat, sleep, disappoint. Yeah, it was very good times.

When the twins had turned 11, she and her brother had gone off to Hogwarts, they met three incredibly stupid people, caused enough mischief for two lifetimes, and had fun. Then without warning, Tara fell in love. Yes, the L-word, who you may ask? James fucking Potter.

But you see some times happy endings were not for all. Yes, James had fell in love, just not for her. She had loved him so much that she was his wing woman.

Gave him the advice to swoon the pretty redhead and planned all their dates just to make sure he didn't screw it up.

The next thing she knew, she was planning a lovely wedding and being James' best woman. It had hurt a lot seeing the one she loved the most getting married to a woman that she couldn't even dislike. But, at least he was happy.

A while later she was asked to be a godmother. Yep, Harry James Potter, he turned out to have James' horrible but adorable messy hair and Lily Potters's vivid green eyes.

Tara had gone through losses. She had lost her little brother Regulus, lost her home, although it was never "home" it was still the only home she had ever had besides the Potter residence. No matter how abusive and broken it was.

October 31st, 1981, She remembers that night perfectly, she was already on her way for dinner and she had walked through the shredded door and saw James Potter lying in the entryway.

It felt like hours but was only a few minutes of her just sitting there holding him crying. The feeling of empty-ness washing over her.

That's how Sirius had found her, red puffy eyes rocking back and forth with him in her arms. He had run up to look for Harry and on his way down gave him to her, forcing her to let go of James.

She didn't know she wouldn't see her twin again for a very long time, Hagrid had arrived and tried to take Harry from her to those horrid muggles but she had fought to keep him. Let's just say Dumbledore was not pleased about it. Did she care? No.

She had raised the little boy. Took care of him like he was her own, it's what James would have wanted.

When he had turned 11, she took him to get his first wand and all the other school supplies he would need for his first year at Hogwarts. On September 1st, Tara had seen him off at the train station and worried every year after for his safety.

Later on, she had got her twin back, and with that, her best friend Remus was now around again. Everything was starting to feel normal again, she felt alive for once. But then things took a turn when Sirius died, leaving Remus to fall into a daze. The love of his life, his mate was gone. 

Harry had started getting distanced with her but she didn't know why- she had a feeling it was because of Molly.

Harry and her had fought for the first time one night. He had said she was not his mother and not would she ever be. She was only trying to protect him, but Dumblefuck kept telling him he was the chosen one.

And when the final fight came, she was the one who had killed Voldemort.

Tara stood her ground and looked him in the eyes, she had told him to go fuck himself and casted the bright green spell. She couldn't give a damn about the prophecy, Harry would not die on her watch. She would not fail James.

Tara had defeated Voldemort but in the process, the spell had rebounded and had killed her as well. Leaving her to slump on the ground cold and unmoving.

She was ready, she had tried to do her best to protect Harry. She would be free, no pain, no suffering, no waking up and feeling like she was useless. She was finally going to be happy.

Well things don't always go according to plan, Death had screwed her over. Fucking bastard.

Death had told her that she had made a sacrifice, that she did not have to do what she had done. That it was a choice.

But she did it for Harry, for Sirius, and Remus who had died in the battle. She did it for James. All for who she loved.

Death had explained to her she had a destiny to fulfill. So with that the gender-less entity had sent her to a multiverse.

When Tara had awoken on the side of the road she was in her 13-year-old body, great, just great now she had to go through puberty again.

She had been found and taken in by  Tony Stark.


Tara had to admit she was pretty smart. She would hope she was with all the times Moony had dragged her along to the library and forced her to study with him.

Tony had taught her about muggle science and technology, which had been fascinating to her. He had improved her fighting skills and helped her control the powers she had gained from Death. Tony even taught her about the muggle culture and their inventions which she thought were weird.

When Tony had asked where she had came from he was shocked by the answer he received. He would not have believed her if she didn't show him her memories, that alone baffled him.

He had understood and helped her through her nightmares every night and calmed her down when she had what muggles called a panic attack. He loved her as his daughter, and was extremely proud of her, and made sure she and everyone he knew, knew it.

Tara had never had a loving parent besides when she ran away and lived with the Potters, but even that was different.

She loved him as a father almost immediately and called him dad during the fourth month of living with him, by accident of course. He had been ecstatic, went as far as adopting her, and throwing a huge party just to celebrate her.

When Death had sent her here, she had reverted to her teenage body. Of course later on she had found out that parts of her mind reverted back as well. She was still an adult mentally, she just had tiny parts from her teen years engraved in her.

So with that we introduce Tara Black-Stark, but went by Bisty most of the time. It was her Marauder's name after all, James had been the one to give her it. Even though she was a Doe and almost as tall as him in form, he called her tiny.

Tara loved Tony and Tony loved her he would do anything for her. They had fun, watched movies, played games, and traveled, he always made sure he made time for his daughter. And when he didn't have time she would join him, help him run the company, go to his meetings, work in the lab and go to fancy party's.

They were together all the time.

A couple years later Tara and her dad had helped save New York from Loki the God of mischief, giving her a spot on the avenger's team.

She had made some friends and family, although she would never replace her old family. She just added a few members.

There was Thor, the cool uncle, and Clint the older overprotective brother, there was Bruce the shy and awkward brother, Natasha the older sister, and one of her closest friends. Steve the nice but old school uncle, then there's Nick the badass, one-eyed uncle, who has demanded her to call him Fury but she stuck with Nicky.

Bitsy had met all these new and incredible people even made a family out of them, but she still felt like half of a whole. She needed her other half, Tara needed James.

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So the first chapter, what do you guys think?
Anyways I hope you like it!
And I'm so excited for the next chapter! It's going to be good I hope!
So thank you for reading <3
- Greeds

1432 words

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