"Baji, Chifuyu. Hold me tight. I really wanna punch that fucking Mickey Mouse kinnie right now!", said Kazutora with Baji and Chifuyu playing along and holding him from starting any fight.

Draken and Mitsuya could only sigh at the sight of their friends. Even if they said anything, nothing will be helpful. Sanzu just stared at them all before he back glancing down at Kyoko and Yuto, staring at how lil bit uncomfortable the girl is which makes him frown unnoticeably.

'That's bastard....'


Hours and hours already passed, and school is now over as all the students went back home. Kyoko just somehow managed to get herself out of Yuto as she said that she had piano practice after school. She walked towards the music room as open the door and walked inside. She looks around before she let out a small sigh.

"What did I actually expect?", Kyoko mumbled lil bit disappointed, maybe she did expect that Sanzu would be waiting for her like usual in the music room as both of them always spend time together playing the piano.

"You're not playing?", suddenly whispered in Kyoko's ear, making the girl surprised as she turns behind to look at Sanzu who smiled down at her. "You're not starting piano class? Kyo Sensei?", again Sanzu asked, with a soft smile plastered on his face, making the girl lil bit blush.

"Haha~ let's start the class then.", Kyoko chuckles which make Sanzu happy more to look at how reassure and comfortable the girl now, smiling beautifully like that.

After a few hours later, the practice is finished as Sanzu sends the girl back to her house. To be honest, Kyoko really doesn't want Sanzu to send her back, well...there's just something she doesn't want to show, however, Sanzu is want to send the girl since it's dangerous to walk alone this dark.

"Just here is fine now.", Kyoko said with a smile on her face as both of them are now in front of the girl's house. It wasn't the first-time Sanzu sent her back but he never sends her right close to her house, just somehow Kyoko said that which Sanzu don't question and just listened to her.

"There's something wrong?", Sanzu finally asked which flinch the girl.

"What do you mean?", Kyoko asked which she looks at Sanzu nervously, but she try her best to hide her anxiety from the guy.

"You....", Sanzu wants to ask, but something stops him from doing so. "No, nothing.... Just...call me anytime, and I will be there in time for you.", Sanzu said which Kyoko looks at him with widening eyes before smiling back at him.

"Sure, arigato, Sanzu.", looking at how adorable the girl is right now, Sanzu can't help but feel butterflies in his stomach, unknowingly he already kissed the girl's forehead, making Kyoko flinch and fall dazed for a moment before her face literally turn completely red before of Sanzu's action.

"Good night and see you tomorrow, Kyo.", Sanzu said in a gentle voice while smiling while Kyoko could only nod her head in response.

Kyoko watched Sanzu slowly disappear before she went inside her house. She opened the door in which her eyes widening as soon as she sees the man's shoes. Her body started trembling as she slowly and quietly get inside the house, hoping at least she would arrive in her bedroom without any problems. As she was about to step up the stairs...

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