Chapter 27 - Never Far From Shadow

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No accord was reached with Captain Greaves that day. It was clear that emotions were running too high to make any meaningful headway with the discussion of becoming allies.

But the fact that Greaves hadn't dismissed the idea out of hand was at least somewhat promising.

Ed strode out onto the deck ahead of Stede and the crowd of pirates on the deck parted like he was royalty.

One man in particular skittered away like a roach in the light. The movement caught Ed's eyes and he recognized the man as the one who had threatened Stede.

Ed turned on his heel and grabbed the man by the front of his shirt. He charged forward, hauling the man up and back as he stumbled and pawed at him. He didn't stop when they reached the railing. He then hoisted him up and shoved him overboard.

"Ed, Ed...!" but Stede was too late.

Ed stood by the side of the deck and almost interfered with his crewmates throwing a rope overboard to help him up, but Stede grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the gangplank.

"I see Blackbeard is alive and well!" called Greaves from his perch on the quarter deck. "A fucking asshole, full of revenge! Your ship is aptly named, sir." And then he drawled, "Some things never change."

Ed knew the eyes of both crews were on him. He didn't look back as he stormed over the gangplank and back to their ship.

He wasn't there for more than a moment or two before Izzy emerged from a thicket of watchful and nosy crewmembers.

"Captain. A word?" rasped Izzy.

Ed glanced back to Stede, but he was still on the Osprey, exchanging words with one of their crew. So he gave the first mate a nod.

Rather than start towards the captain's quarters, Izzy went towards his own quarters, which were nearby and the same size as the one other private room on-board, but reserved for his exclusive use. There was nothing to suggest anyone did anything but sleep in the threadbare room. No personal touches, no clutter - just a plain and utilitarian space.

Ed wasn't sure if that was just Izzy being Izzy, or if he just refused to settle in any permanent way aboard the Revenge.

"Drink?" asked Izzy as he crossed to a table where there was a dark bottle of rum. The first mate's drinking had continued at a historically high rate, but it wasn't, for the moment, out of control.

Ed didn't respond, but Izzy poured him anyway. He almost didn't take the glass, but then he ended up taking it."You're not one to dance around the fucking point, Izzy. So out with it," growled Ed.

Izzy tapped his finger against the glass and eyed Ed for a moment. "You knew Greaves would be on that ship, didn't you?"

"Had a feeling," said Ed, then he swallowed a mouthful of the rum.

"And you didn't think to share that information?" Although Izzy's words were phrased the way he might to a member of the crew, there was quiet, respectful deference in the modulation of his tone.

"It was going to be what it was going to be. And..."

"And you didn't want to explain things to Bonnet unless you absolutely had to." Izzy tossed back the rest of the rum in his glass in a smooth, fluid motion.

As he did, Ed saw a dark red welt barely covered by his cravat. It looked like a bite mark.

From someone with a prominent gap between their front teeth.

Ed pretended not to see, but Izzy clearly noticed because he tugged his cravat back into place. "What's the play here, Edward? Are you planning to take out Greaves, or do you genuinely think he could be an ally given your history?"

The Accidental Seduction of Edward Teach by Stede Bonnet, Gentleman PirateWhere stories live. Discover now