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Currently trying to learn to draw people
I drew Josuke for practice lul
What do u think? It's a sketch so don't expect some full lineart full color piece of art
maybe I made him too feminine and big-eyed tho I can't tell. And the hair's kinda ugly lol I tried to make it look like a heart

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

And, once again, it was Saturday.
I thought it was interesting to compare myself to who I was just a week before.
I could barely talk to Josuke without freaking out, and trying not to say something dumb.
But, now... I guess being around him so much has made it easier.
Didn't think it was possible...

But, here I am.

And, looking in the mirror, I was much more comfortable compared to last week.
It's not like he gave a damn what I wore, it's Mario Kart, not prom.
But, what if he does..?
No. Shut up. He doesn't.
He literally wore a tank top last time, why would he care?

I shook my head, trying to shake away the nervousness.
Why am I nervous? I've done this before, I can do it again.
...but, to be fair, Okuyasu and Koichi were there last time... and they won't be here this time...
What if it gets awkward?

Ugh, whatever. Whatever! Shut up, mind. Let's just go.
I sighed, before stuffing my phone and a couple hundred yen into my pockets.
Sneaking downstairs, I sighed in relief upon seeing that no one else was there.
My whole plan is built on whether or not someone sees me leave... if they do, I have an plan B, but I'd rather stick to my first idea.

Leaving the house, I shut the door behind me, before walking across the street towards Josuke's house.
Luckily, I don't come out of my room often, so they won't suspect a thing if I left without them knowing...
Kinda wish mom didn't see me leave last week, but oh well.
Arriving, I knocked on the door, unable to shake the lingering feeling of nervousness.

Josuke answered, strangely enough.
Tomoko usually answers... eh, whatever, she might not be here or something.
He smiled upon seeing me, "Hey, {Y/n}! Come in, I've got to show you all the stuff I got," he said, leading me inside.
"What stuff?" I pause, "Oh, wait, is it the candy?" I asked as I followed him.
"Yup. Voila!" He said, revealing the mountain of candy he had on his kitchen table.

I blinked, just staring at the random assortment of candy for a noment. "..H-how... did you pay for that? And.. how is your mom not pissed??"
Josuke smiled mischievously, "Welll, Okuyasu lost a bet, so I made him pay for all this. Also, mom's on a business trip, so she doesn't know."
"Ah.. but, didn't you get a stomach ache yesterday? Would it really be ok to eat more candy..?" I asked, concerned.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself!"
I chuckled, "You said the same thing yesterday, and yet..."
He waved it off, "Pshh, that's yesterday, and today is today. Let's just bring this upstairs. I kinda forgot to put it in my room before you got here," he shrugged, before taking an armful of candy and going towards the stairs.
I smiled, rolling my eyes, "Ok, whatever. If you get hurt, don't say I didn't warn you," I said, before taking the rest of the candy and following him.

Once we took it upstairs, Josuke made a pile of candy in between the beanbag chairs, since he doesn't know the definition of clean or organized.
Before we started, Josuke stopped, "Oh, wait! I almost forgot, uh..." he started to dig through the pile of candy, looking for something.
I raised an eyebrow as I fidgeted with the controller, "What'd you forget?" I asked.
"I... forgot..." Josuke spoke as he searched, before taking something from the pile and smiling, "This!"
He handed the item to me, and I realized it was the candy I'd told him was my favorite a few days ago.
"Oh! You, uh, you didn't have to... but, I did bring some money just in case you did buy me this," I said, reaching in my pocket to take out the yen I'd brought.

Sweet {Josuke Higashikata x Fem!Reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora