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Hey, I just wanna ask, are y'all liking the story so far?
I thought it would be a lot easier to tell if my story's good or not but rereading it over and over looking for errors makes it hard to tell.
Pls tell me if it sucks, I'm not much of a writer so I'm fine with any criticism lol

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

It was Wednesday, and I was on the rooftop, eating lunch.
The rooftop was where I usually ate for lunch, since people never really went up there, and I enjoyed the peace and quiet.
I could easily do homework or read, without having to worry about being bothered.
I guess the rooftop is a pretty generic place to eat lunch, though...
Whatever. I'm no protagonist. I can do what I want.

As I continued to eat and do homework simultaneously, I heard the staircase door open and close, and I looked towards whoever had just entered the rooftop area.
It was a girl, quite tall, with beautiful long black hair. However, she didn't seem too happy once she spotted me, as she glared and began walking in my direction.

"Are you {L/n} {Y/n}?" She asked, though it seemed she already knew the answer.
Didn't know someone had beef with me... what's this about?
"Uh, yeah? Did you need me?" I said, standing up.

"Do you know a boy named Hirose Koichi?" She asked.
"Yes. I sit next to him in a few of my classes... we're friends, I think."
"You think? Well, I'm his girlfriend, so don't get too handsy with him. Actually, just stay away from him in general," she hissed.
I raised an eyebrow, wait, this girl is Koichi's girlfriend?
She's pretty, but.. I dunno, would Koichi really date a girl like this?
I'm still suspicious so I'll play it safe.

"I don't like him, if that's what you're thinking... I actually have a crush on someone else. Plus, I already knew Koichi had a girlfriend before, and I wouldn't go after a guy who's already with someone."
That seemed to calm her down a little, but she still seemed pretty mad, her hair puffing out. "So, you don't like him...? Alright, I believe you, but you still need to stay away from him. I don't want him falling for another girl while he's with me. It's not that I don't trust him- he's perfect in every way- but, love works in strange ways, and I don't want to chance it. Especially for someone who's clearly not good enough for him..." she said, mumbling the last part, though I still managed to hear it.

I furrowed my eyebrows.
Possessive much? What, so she just doesn't let Koichi have friends who just happen to be girls? First of all, he could be into not only girls, and second of all, that's messed up.
Should I tell her off about it, though?...
Ah, what the hell. I'm not gonna stop being friends with Koichi just because she says so.

"Listen, Koichi's girlfriend, I think it's nice and all that you love Koichi so much, but I think you should really rethink your attitude. You can't control every aspect of Koichi's life. If you try to control who he's friends with, he's only gonna drift away from you over time, and eventually he's not gonna wanna be in a relationship with you anymore. How would you feel if he was so obsessed with you that he chased off every guy friend you had?"
Her eye twitched in anger, "Who are you to tell me what to do?! He's my boyfriend, so I get to decide things like this! And, for the record, I don't need any guy friends! Those other guys are all the same- stupid pieces of shit. Koichi's the only one I need!" She yelled.

"Kinda figured you wouldn't have friends..." I mumbled.
"Nothing. Seriously, I know I can't decide for you, but just know that Koichi won't like you if you try to control him like this. He should be in control of who he's friends with, not his obsessive girlfriend.
And, no, not all guys are like that. Some guys are, sure, but you can say the same about girls. Even though it seems like girls and guys are super different, with different societal issues and different personalities, in the end we're all human, and that's all that matters."

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