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Guys, my Spanish teacher told us that when she was in high school, they didn't really use phones, so instead of texting they'd write notes and fold them into stuff like hearts, and give them to each other in the halls.

Idk why I'm telling you this I just thought it was cute lol

.•♫•♬• Şຟēēt •♬•♫•.

And suddenly, it was Saturday.
The day everyone looks forward to on the weekdays,
The day of relaxation and fun,
And also the day we agreed to go to Josuke's house to play Mario Kart.

Of course, as you all know, my parents don't have a very nice opinion of Josuke.
They think he's a delinquent. A rebel. The bad kind.
I'm not sure how someone can be so close-minded, to be honest.
But, anyways, to the point...

They'd never willingly let me go to Josuke's house to play video games.
So, the easy solution is to lie to them.

And as I looked in the mirror for the hundredth time, making sure I didn't somehow get uglier since I last checked,
I thought to myself,
Why the hell did I agree to this?

Of course, I knew the answer already.
Social pressure. I didn't want to be the only one not going.
Koichi knew this too, which is why he suggested it in the first place.
Bastard. He really wants to be my wingman...
He wouldn't be a bad one, too, if I actually wanted a wingman.

I decided I should probably go, since it was getting close to the time we agreed to get there, so I went downstairs.
My mom, being in the kitchen, was the first to see me.
Glancing at me, she spoke, "{Y/n}, where are you going? You don't usually have plans over the weekends."
"I'm going out with a friend," I replied.

"Friend? I didn't know you had any... what's your friend's name? I'd love to meet her," she smiled.
"His name's Koichi. And no, it's not a date... he has a girlfriend." I explained, already knowing where this conversation would go.
She narrowed her eyes at the mentioning that my friend was in fact male.
"I see. Well, I'd love to meet him at some point, then."

I nodded, "I'll be sure to introduce you sometime," I said, leaving.
I guess that wasn't technically a lie. I am meeting Koichi, but it's not just him, I'm also meeting Josuke and Okuyasu.
It's more of a half-truth than a lie, then.

I could have just said my friend was a girl, and actually lied, since I know my parents don't want me hanging around guys..
But, I don't want them pestering me about meeting my friend, so I went with Koichi, since he, you know... exists.
My parents would probably like Koichi if they met him too, he's pretty polite.

I'll just have to deal with their suspicions I'm actually dating a guy behind their backs..
Which, for the record, will never happen.

I stiffly walked across the street, and stood at Josuke's front door for a moment, just staring at it.
Why am I nervous? Just knock on the door.
I raised my hand up to the door, getting ready to knock.
..what if I'm the first one there? It'll be so awkward... I won't know what to say...
I shook my head, getting rid of the dumb thoughts in the process, and finally knocked on the door.

It opened, revealing Josuke's mother.
"Hello!," she said, before noticing, "Oh, don't you live just across the street? You're here for Josuke, right?"
I nodded, "Um, yes, he invited me and a few others to play video games.."
"Ah, right. Okuyasu and Koichi are inside, I just.. I didn't know you and Josuke were friends!"
I smiled, "We're more acquaintances than we are friends, we don't know each other that well.." I explained.
"I see. Well, come in! They're in the kitchen right now," she said, letting me in.
"Right, thanks." I said, walking in.

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