New Recruits (Blaze's Story)

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This story contains Blazeamy and Sonilver. If you don't like these ships, you can skip to the next story :)

This is sort of a part 2 to the first story, It'll start the in the morning of their second day there, and this time it's Blaze's perspective!


Blaze's POV:

I woke up the next morning sprawled across the bed, to the sound of birds outside my window. Where-? Oh, right. I'd forgotten. We were in Hedgehog Village now. I sat up and shuffled to the kitchen, noticing Silver still asleep on the floor. He hadn't even made it all the way to his room before crashing. I'd given him a blanket and a pillow right before going to my own bed and falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled him a quick note that said to come find me when he woke up, then I left the cabin as quiet as, well, a cat. I followed the path towards the village, taking in the scenery around me. There were trees in every direction, and I could hear birds twittering to each other. It was beautiful.

I made it into town and looked around, wondering what to do first. The area was scattered with houses, but there was also a little market place, an ice cream stand, and what looked like an abandoned old restaurant.

"Blaze!" My thoughts were interrupted by someone calling my name. I turned to see Amy, the pink hedgehog from before, walking towards me. "Morning." I said, smiling. She smiled politely back, and motioned to the restaurant. "Wanna go get breakfast together? We can have a girl's day to get to know each other!" She suggested. I thought about it for a moment. Maybe it would be fun to have a "girl's day" with Amy. Silver could hang out with the others, she was sure he'd get along with that other hedgehog, Sonic.

"Okay, let's do it." I said. Amy smiled even wider. "Oh, this is so exciting! Sticks never wants to hang out with me, unless it's some sort of barbaric activity like hunting down our lunch." She said. I couldn't help but laugh a little. "She sounds like quite the character." I pointed out.

Amy nodded. "Oh, she is," she said. "But enough about her, what do you want to eat?" I thought about the question for a moment. "I don't know, what do you suggest?" I asked. Amy shrugged. "I guess it doesn't matter all that much, Dave will probably get it wrong anyway." She said, walking up to the counter.

"Two salads, please." She said to the teen behind the counter. He gave her an annoyed look and said "We don't have any salad..." he trailed off. I stepped up to the counter and glared back. "Then what do you have?" I hissed. I'd only heard him talk once, but I knew I was already done with his crap.

He closed his mouth and shrank back behind the counter. "Two salads coming right up..." he muttered, walking off to get the food. Amy stared. "Woah, I've only spoken to Dave like that once and he still got my order wrong." She said. "How did you do that?"

I shrugged, but her comments made me smile a little. Dave gave us both our food and we sat down together. We ended up talking a lot about what living in our respective hometowns is like, and about our friends and relationships. "Sonic just has such a big ego sometimes, it's annoying." She complained. "Silver is just so timid, I end up doing a lot of things for him because he isn't sure how to stand up for himself." I said, rolling my eyes. "I mean I love the guy, but come on!" We said together. We went quiet for a moment, then both burst out in giggles.

"So are you and Silver like, together?" Amy asked once we had stopped laughing. I almost burst out laughing again. "Oh no, we're more like family then anything." I said. "What about you and Sonic?" I asked curiously. The two did seem close, but maybe... "No no no, not anymore." She said, smiling nervously. "We dated for a little while, then decided we were better off as friends."

I smiled. "I see. Well, it's good that you're still friends." She shrugged. "Sometimes." She said, finishing her salad. I decided not to bring up Sonic anymore. It might be a touchy subject, and that's not what today was about. I finished my own food and we tossed our trash.

"So, what else do you do on a girl's day?" I asked, looking around. "We could go back to my place and paint our nails?" She suggested. "That sounds nice." I said.

I followed Amy along another dirt path, but this one had little pink and purple flowers along it, and a couple of vines snaking up the smaller trees. It wasn't too long until we came to a little pink and green shack. It too was decorated with vines and flowers, and a birdbath sat calmly on the side of the home. Amy opened the door and I followed her inside. "Your house is beautiful." I told her, looking around. She laughed. "Thanks, I try to keep it clean. I'll go grab the nail polish, be right back."

I nodded, and sat down on the couch while she disappeared into another room. While she was gone, I let myself think. The village was gorgeous, and there was so much to do, even for a little town like itself. I know there was a beach, as well that I hadn't even seen yet. And Amy was so nice, even though she didn't know me that well, she treated me with such kindness. I'd have to run it through with Silver, of course, but maybe we could stay here longer than just the summer.

"Found it!" Amy sang, coming back into view. She held up a few colorful bottles of nail polish, as well as some other tools that I guessed were for making patterns on your nails. She set everything down, then took a seat next to me. "What color do you want? Maybe a darker purple to match your fur? Or something else?" I looked at all of the colors she'd brought. "Well if it's okay with you, I think I'd like this pink. It's my favorite color." I said, holding up a light pink. I noticed a little blush form on Amy's cheeks, and she tried to look away before I noticed. I smiled. "I like that color too." She said, turning her attention back to the polish. "But I think I'm gonna do this one." She picked out a shimmery purple, and this time it was my turn to blush and look away.

After sitting in an awkward silence for a couple moments, Amy spoke up again. "I'll do yours first, is that okay?" I nodded and took off my gloves, setting them nearly to the side before giving her my hands to paint. We talked while she painted, and I mentioned how I wanted to stay longer than the summer, if Silver was okay with it. "I think that would be awesome!" Amy said excitedly. "But speaking of you and Silver, about the other day," she started. Oh no, I thought. She's gonna ask about- "Did you shoot a fireball at Eggman?"

I knew it. I knew I shouldn't have done that, but I saw Silver use his powers, and I got scared someone might get hurt and- "You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to." Amy said. "I understand."

Amy doesn't want my power. I thought. She hadn't even mentioned it up until now, and I was pretty sure Sonic had some sort of speed power, and that Knuckles guy had strength. "No, I'll tell you." I said. Amy looked up, but didn't say anything. "Me and Silver have powers, I've got pyrokinesis, and Silver is a telekinetic."

"Wow." Amy said, pausing on one of my nails. "I didn't expect to be that, to say the least, but that's really cool." She said. "Thanks." I said, adjusting my hand for her. "In Emerald City, there's a lot of people that come after ones with powers, like us." I continued. "It was awful living there, but there was a few good memories there too, which is why we might be sort of reluctant to leave."

Amy listened to what I had to say, finishing one hand and starting on the other. "I found out about Silver's powers on accident when we were really young, and we sort of grew up together after that. Sorry, I don't meant to vent-" I added, realizing what I was saying.

"No no, it's okay Blaze. I like listening to you, and it's totally okay to feel that way. But if you both hate living there, I'm sure Silver will agree with you if you decide to stay." She said, finishing and putting the lid back on the polish bottle. I couldn't help but smile at her again. "Thank you, Amy."

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