Chapter 9 - Unlucky Camper

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A nice morning run is what was calling at me this sun shining day and honestly it was to run from anyone who wanted to talk with me. My morning routine of waking up early has proven very nicely and I just have to say again but this island really is beautiful. I ditched my hoodie at the cabin since the heat was strong, too strong for even me to withstand with my extra layer. Enjoying the sounds of the woods I hadn't even noticed the approaching cheetah that was Lindsay. Moving on past me much faster then I thought possible, something sparked in me... The urge to beat her even though we weren't running with eachother or racing. Gotta pick up the pace "Coming on past you!" Getting an upperhand in the race I managed to keep the pace but shortly after passing her I was passed again and once again I tried passing her but it was to no avail. That girl is so quick! I caught up to her back at the main campsite where she was drinking some water "Jeez Lindsay, I didn't think you could run that fast. Mind giving me a sip?" Yep, feeling pretty crappy right now. "Sure! I have to keep really fit otherwise I wouldn't be this beautiful." Now just realizing she was only wearing a white tank top and some running shorts, I don't think anyone would disagree with saying Lindsay sure does take care of herself. "Hahaha, Yeah I have to agree with you there. You sure are beautiful, eye-catching as some say.". Time slowed down as I only realized after I said it but I just said she was beautiful right to her face!

"Campers! Meet down at the dock in half an hour, time for the next challenge." Thank you Chris! "Gotta go! See ya!" Taking off in a flash I was going to the cabin to change but what happened next was heart pounding terror. Turning around to see what Lindsay had down, I saw her full on dead sprinting straight for me! "Holy sh-!!!!" Following the horrific sight I just saw, getting tackled was not in my list of daily activities but now it seems it was! "What the heck! Lindsay!" She was on top of me and this moment couldn't have been more uncomfortable... Wait a minute! "Youch! I think something got landed on wrong. Am I some kinda pain magnet?" Seems that woke Lindsay up from her trance and she helped lift me up but I twisted something for sure. "Oh boy, can't wait for today's challenge.". Everyone gathered at the beach with myself moving a bit slower than the others. "So who likes eating?" Getting the very suggested response from Owen he smiled that same old Chris smile "Thank you Owen! Now today you'll be making a meal. Main dish, side, and dessert for the judge... Who is me! A food truck comes here every morning to drop off food, this is where the challenge starts!" The truck arrived with a dolphin driving it! But as we walked or perhaps as I limped over Chris cleared his throat with a cough. "Oh! I almost forgot to mention a special change for today's challenge. With the Screaming Gophers extrodaniry loss streak, I wanna give them a little boost." This is going to involve me in some way isn't it? "(Y/N), join the other side for a temporary team change. You'll be providing a lucky boost to them." You've got to be kidding me! "Now let me set something straight, (Y/N) isn't allowed to deliberately sabotage to allow his own team to win but he's allowed to help all he wants in this challenge, either none or alot but don't forget, you aren't safe from elimination." So I can't make the Gophers lose on purpose, I can get voted off if we lose... So I should try to win this right? Or maybe not?

"We could do a classic American meal, simple food I'm sure we've all eaten and maybe even add a twist or two." My words were soon forgotten with the storm of Heather marching over to the food truck. "I call head chef, we aren't doing some dingy burger menu." Ah.... Alright. Grabbing a crate of pineapple which we would need for the appetizers, pineapples on sticks, ribs, and some kinda fancy flambe orange cake. Entering the kitchen and setting the crate down, it didn't take long before things went entirely wrong. "Woah! Woooooaah!" Owen tripped on some oranges he dropped and crashed into the ground with our crate. "Owen, Catch." Tossing him an ice pack, he was ordered by Heather to walk back to the food truck and grab another crate. "Beth and Leshawna, your on appetizers. Trent, you can start the main course and Owen will help you. Gwen and Lindsay, dessert is yours." Being left out once again... "(Y/N), I want you just sitting on the side not touching a thing!" Of course boss.... This seems like such a normal and fun challenge and I'm not allowed to participate. Taking a stool and sitting at the end of the table I buried my head into my arms as I proceeded to pout. Now I zoned out as I sat at the table but my focus was drawn back when Owen came in with a crate of oranges and tossing it straight at Trent knocking him out. Medical came to take him away to the tent and the team was down another but maybe this was a good chance to help! "Hey Heather, Since Trent is out of commission, perhaps I could help Owen or do something... Anything?" "I don't see how else this could go wrong, help Owen while I check on dessert." Shooting up from my stool and getting to work on the main course while Owen helped out as much as he could. Meat had to be slow and carefully cooked, and this was no different from any other meal I've prepared before.

Taking a seat in the outhouse after finishing the main course I took a deep breath. "So I forgot to mention this to anyone. Cooking is a hobby of mine, I'm not really that good but I do enjoy it. I sometimes get permission from Chef to cook some little snacks but nothing big. Also I have a message for my family... None of you better of stepped inside my room! I took the book along with me so good luck figuring out the ingredients!" Pulling out a thick, leather bound tome from behind him, (Y/N) waved it in front of the camera. Returning to the lodge after hiding his tome again, he walked in  on a explosion  which shook him from his calmed state. Arriving with the medkit to help anyone injured, he nearly  fell over in amazement when he saw Heather with no eyebrows. "Owen!" Owen came racing over but his excitement died when she told him to retrieve her makeup bag. Owen left defeated by Heather yelling while I made my approach with a medkit. "Why don't you take a seat Heather. I wanna make sure you didn't get any burns." Without putting up a fight a she took a seat while I cleaned her face and applied some lotion to the worst areas. "Let me guess, Too much flambe?" I saw her eye slightly twitch which means I can assume correctly. "Just take it easy, I'll help with the rest.".

"Wah!? What's with that rash? I'm taking over" "I'm starting another cake, this shouldn't take awhile." "Drizzle this sauce on and put some garnish." Getting to work (Y/N) took over the teams kitchen as his own, switching between each station and adding his own help was entertaining to watch for the entire team of Screaming Gophers, but it wasn't just them. The Killer Bass watched in awe as they saw the small camper they grew to know as shy, timid, and unconfrontal take charge of the kitchen. Honestly even Courtney was stopped on her tracks to watch this.


"Have you ever seen that one show? It's called None Place... Being alone in my room gave me time to watch the show and I feel in love with this one character along with his passion for cooking. Hehehe..." Exiting the outhouse, I expected a silent walk back to the lodge but instead was greeted by the screams and terror filled Owen as he was running from a swarm of bees. "That can't be good..." Picking up the pace to the kitchen I pushed the door open to find Owen collapsed and us missing a certain head chef. "Where's Heather? Also Owen I'll grab some ointment for you." All I received was innocent whistles as no one spoke and I gave up to help Owen. This team must be cursed, I just can't believe everything that has happened today but now I'm worried... When is something bad going to happen to me? Finishing with Owen, I checked up on the rest of the stations while sneaking a peek over at my actual team, being glad to see the food was actually good looking and not a monstrosity. The time to serve our dishes should be arriving any minute, just need to triple check everything once agAIN!!!???" My bad look had finally arrived it seems, not realizing all the oranges were picked up I slipped on one and proceeded to headbutt the counter and our dessert. As I was lying on the ground with my team rushing over I couldn't help but mutter out some final words "S-S-Sorry... we are cursed, aren't we?" Why can't things ever be easy for me?

(A Few Days Ago - Nightime)

HEATHER!?!?! "W-What do you want? I already told you I'm not helping you." "I don't give a damn about that anymore! I want to know the real reason why you're acting like this. Even Linsday isn't this innocent, and she's as dumb as a pile of bricks." Reason? Does she think this is some kinda act I'm playing for fun? Why can't she just accept myself as me? I just don't understand why she can't leave me alone! I-I-I............... (Y/N) hasn't had the best of days today and within the last hour, his excitement hadn't died down and now with the grilling from Heather about how he is.... He started to shut down. This isn't the usual for our small camper but it's happened in the past only one time but no one besides his family knows about that time. Heather was frozen as her would be enemy seemed to crumble to the ground in a frozen state. Little did Heather know this little happening wouldn't be remembered by the unlucky camper.

(Current Time)

"We lost!? Aagh!" Receiving a smack to the back of the head from Courtney I quickly corrected myself " I mean they lost! But how was that possible?" "Dude, that team is cursed and I mean the literally! When you were knocked out, they decided to use that burnt cake, hilarious! Hahaha!!!" Duncan fell from his laughter while Courntry picked up the story "Long story short, they lost we won. We should also tell you Beth was voted off, you were present at the ceremony but you were kinda hazy.". Beth, didn't see that coming but perhaps there was a strong reason for her. Another day and another was coming with the challenge over and I'm still on the island. Just how many more of these do I have in me to do?

Chapter 9 is done! Got the feeling of writing this for weeks on end, need to start fresh with another one. Thanks for reading and Enjoy your day!

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