Chapter 3 - Talent Undiscovered

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"S-Stay away from me Demon girl!!!" I dove under the dock and after listening carefully I was safe from her. The last couple of days has been constant running away from Izzy and her need to drag me around wherever she went, considering the last time she got me I was sent flying into a tree! Telling Chris was pointless and when I tried getting my team to help me... The same old response was "She's your crazy.". The next challenge was right around the corner and I actually wanted to relax before it happened. "This next challenge better be something I can get kicked off with! These people are starting to danger my life and sanity." "I found you!" NOOOO!!! I tried running away but was promptly tackled by the Demon who pulled out rope and once again tied me up! "Izzy! Let me go!" She just laughed as she carried me on her shoulder to the lodge. I was placed down on the seat next to her and once again I heard the various laughter from around both tables. "Hey man, I have to say you have it pretty unlucky." "Thank you for saying that Trent. I couldn't tell from how I was currently tied up and being dragged around by someone who thought I was her doll!" I leaned forward putting my head on the table ignoring the conversations happening. Thinking after dinner I would be set free I was completely wrong, Izzy had other plans for me.

She was carrying me to the Screaming Gophers cabin instead of my own and when I thought sleeping in the guys side would be nice for once I was mistaken... Again! "We are going to have a guest tonight!  Pick a spot and get comfortable!" Izzy put me down in the middle of the room and after looking around the place... If I made the slightest wrong move I was dead. The door was out since Izzy is quicker than me, A bed is out of the order since they are all taken and for the obvious other reason. I fell backwards and made the choice that the floor was my bed tonight "Leave me alone tonight please, I just want to sleep." I closed my eyes and fell into a sleep, but woke up later in the night. Everyone was sleeping from the sounds and taking this as my chance to return to my own bed and team. I was worming my way to the door and using my head to push the door open I made it outside. "Dude, This is great TV! I'm super glad we made the choice of getting you on the show." "If you are going to stand over me, could you at least untie me?" "Nah dude, that's all you." Chris walked away and I was still worming my way to the cabin, but before I reached the steps I was suddenly pulled by an unknown force! There was a loose rope and it was now being pulled by a raccoon, This is not good! He suddenly got scared and made a run for the deeper part of the woods "Chris! Anyone! Heeeeelp!" This was beyond crazy and while I was small, light weight... Gaaaah! Please don't let me die because of being tied up and dragged into the woods by a raccoon!

(Lodge Pov)

Everyone had gathered in the lodge the next day but as Chris walked in, he was the one to take notice of the missing camper. "Where is (Y/N)? Did you hide him Izzy?" "Hehehe! No! He was in our cabin when we went to sleep but when waking up, he was gone." Chris seemed worried since a missing camper was only bad news but they did need to continue on with the planned challenge. "Well I'm sure he'll show up later. Now head on down to the new stage we built last night!" All the campers gathered at the new stage and the challenge was a classic one, a talent show! They all had a few hours to pick talent from the teams and decide on the three members to compete in the show, now while all the teams split up Chris had some searching to do.

(Killer Bass Pov)

The team was gathered to judge the talents of everyone and while they did find some good ones, they took a break to discuss a pressing issue. "So has anyone actually seen the Runt since yesterday? Who knows, he might have an actually hidden crazy talent." Duncan was right since no one really knew if he was a secret weapon or another Tyler. "But the problem is we don't know where he is! How could someone like him just dissappear?" Courtney said that but everyone thought it actually made sense for him to dissappear easily. "What if this was part of the other teams plot to ruin our team? Taking our member and all of a sudden he vanishes the next challenge?" Now the team thought that was the reasoning for the missing member but little did they know a little furry friend was the reasoning.

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