She was a bit embarrassed to admit she had a bit of a crush on him. A crush that developed over their four months together. His strange hair didn't bother her. His heterochromia she was able to overlook. Whatever was on the left side of his face, she didn't really care. She liked him because although he's dense, he's also earnest, he's kind, he doesn't have anger issues, he's collected. If they were outside, back in the real world, would they have a shot at being a couple? She never told him how she felt because, what if everything that happened in this world was all fake? Would that mean their possibly budding relationship would be fake, too? As the guy guiding them looked back at her, she glanced sadly at Todoroki. She wanted to be with him, but would it survive outside of SAO?

Todoroki caught her glance and his concern was immediately high. He could tell she was unhappy about something. Was it them following this guy? Or was it something else? She'd never looked this way before. She never looked this sad while she was with him. And that was often. They hung out a lot because, well, she was his second friend he'd made here. But she seemed to make it clear with their first meeting that friends was probably all they would remain. Which was a bit saddening for him. He tried not to, but he couldn't help but fall for her. He never flirted with her because he respected her enough to not do what others had. He wanted to pursue a closer relationship with her, but if she didn't want to get into that kind of a relationship he'd accept it. It'd break his heart, but he'd accept it.

Their guide stopped in the middle of a plain. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu prepared to equip their weapons. Yaoyorozu now had a red and black mace while Todoroki had a pair of swords, one red and one white. Their guide turned around.

"Maybe I should tell you who I am," he said, "my username is Welder, but my actual name is Yosetsu Awase."

"Great. Now where is this friend of yours?" Todoroki asked.

Awase looked directly at Yaoyorozu.


Awase was pointing directly at Yaoyorozu. She looked behind her before realizing he wasn't pointing to someone behind her. Both of them were confused.

"You don't remember me? The second week of the first month," Awase said.

Yaoyorozu groaned, rubbing her temples. Todoroki glanced from Yaoyorozu to Awase in clear confusion.

"Remember how I said people would drop what they were doing to hit on me?" She asked Todoroki.

"He was one of them?" He asked.

"Every. Other. Day. For two. Weeks."

"Oh, come on, Momo, it wasn't that bad," Awase said.

"It won't work between us, Awase. I'm part of a guild and we aren't looking for new members."

"Then leave?"

"No, I have friends. And..."

Todoroki stepped between them.

"We're also hunting the Guild of Villains. So unless you feel you could genuinely help--" Todoroki said.

"You stay out of this you freak!" Awase said.

Yaoyorozu glared at Awase after what he'd just said. Todoroki also glared at him.

"Do you want to try and reword that?!" Todoroki said, equipping his swords.

"Oh?" Awase asked, equipping a battle axe, "You wanting to start something?"

"A duel."

"Alright. If you win, she stays in your guild. I win, she's mine from this day on."

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