Chance Joining

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Two people were roaming the Town of Beginnings. In the two months since the death game begin, they had met each other at the start and stuck together. The guy would say that it was fun. The girl was alternating between fine and sometimes infuriating. Whenever it was the latter, she'd always find herself wondering why she was stuck with this idiot. Whenever the times were fine, she still sometimes wondered it.

They were looking for a guild to join. Being on their own was fine, but more taxing than it was probably worth. They were already relatively high leveled and they'd even had a run in with the Black Swordsman: Kirito. They wanted to start a guild with him, but he declined. Now they were back in the Town of Beginnings looking for a guild to join.

"I hope you know whether there's a guild here we can join or not. Every single other guild you've led us to either said we don't need new members or they're just not interested," she said.

"Don't worry, I remember hearing something about a guild named after a city in comics. If we find them, they'll definitely let us join," he said.

She rolled her eyes. It was the first she'd heard of some guild being named after a fictional place. If he was right, then maybe they'd actually finally join one. The second they saw the Musatafu Smithy, they both knew that was where the guild they were looking for was. They walked in to see the seven guild member in discussion.

"...and he said something about a Guild of Villains," Ashido said.

"That's serious. Red players, a guild that kills players, neither should even exist!" Iida said.

"This is troubling. Could there be a chance that they've been watching us?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Maybe. If we want to protect everyone, we need to find and capture them." Todoroki said.

"But that's just it, the guy who was called Gigantomachia was able to warp crystal away," Kirishima said, "so unless we have more people and warp crystals, we won't be able to find or stop them."

"Are you guys asking for more guild members?" The guy who'd been listening in asked.

All seven members turned around in surprise. A guy with blonde hair and a black lightning streak in it and a girl with purple hair were standing in the smithy's doorway. They were concerned with what they may have heard.

"How long were you guys standing there?" Midoriya asked.

"Since something about a guild of villains," the guy said.

"So only the tail end of it," Ashido said.

"I guess? So what all happened?" The girl asked.

The seven exchanged glances of suspicion.

"Why should we tell you?" Hatsume asked.

"We're solo players who've been looking for a guild to join. Who would we tell?" The guy asked.

"More like who could you silence," Ashido said.

"What part of 'we're solo players' didn't you understand?" The girl asked.

"Guys, I think we can tell them," Midoriya said.

"Give us a couple minutes, would you?" Yaoyorozu asked the two.

The seven guild members left the shop and went to the forge. The two stood in the shop hearing long winded arguments about whether they should be trusted or not. After a solid ten minutes of debate, they came back in.

"What are your names?" Iida asked.

"I'm Denki Kaminari. I chose the name Chargebolt," the guy said.

"I'm Kyoka Jiro. Earphone-Jack," the girl said.

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