Milf hunter

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Narrator pov

A/n: got off work came back wit the fuck it we ball Attitude. If ya like it please show support for this book and more will come out. If ya don't....... Okay

It was a hot summer day and the neighborhood was quite.
The sound of a lawnmower could be heard in the neighborhood
Yn was cutting his neighbors grass so he could get a little money in his pocket for the summer, having no luck with getting a summer job he had no choice but to do small task for the neighborhood. Didn't help that the place consisted of frustrated older women.

Yn was sweating under the summer sun. He heard the door open to the house and saw the owner of it walk out she was enjoying the view of watching a strapping young man mowing the lawn 5 minutes passed and Yn finally finished

 He heard the door open to the house and saw the owner of it walk out she was enjoying the view of watching a strapping young man mowing the lawn 5 minutes passed and Yn finally finished

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The woman was sweating as well

Yoruichi: want to come inside Yn?

Yn had his shirt off and used it as a sweat rag before speaking

Yn: yes ma'am

Yn took Yoruichi up on her offer and walked inside behind her. He couldn't help but look at her ass,

Yoruichi: so got any plans this summer

Yn: no not really. Still trying to get a job

Yoruichi: really?

The women sounded surprised by the revelation. She would think that someone like Yn would easily get a job, but not everything goes according to plan

Yoruichi: so money is tight

Yn: yeah

Yn said as he looked around the house and noticed a bunch of pictures of Yoruichi's daughter and him

Yoruichi: all that standing your doing is making me nervous

Yn: sorry *shy chuckles*

Yn moved over to the couches and went to sit down. Yoruichi was in the kitchen cooking something for her guest

Yoruichi: drink hon?

Yn: yes please

Yn said without noticing the woman's words closely. She brought him a drink, Yn said thank you.

Yoruichi: how long have you and my daughter been friends?

Yn: we've been friends since 1st grade

Yoruichi from the kitchen smile to her self before continuing to speak.

Yoruichi: she's lucky to have a good friend like you

Yn: you think so

Yoruichi: I think so, hungry?

Yn: yes ma'am

Yn went to the kitchen and sat opposite of Yoruichi

Yn: this might be a weird question but I don't think I've ever seen your husband

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