Start from the beginning

"Hello?" she called out again whilst sitting up on the bed. She was getting more and more confused by the minute. Why was she being treated like this? What was this place anyway? She needed answers and she was now becoming quite impatient.

"Do you remember who you are?" A masculine voice from the telecoms echoed around the room.

"Who is that?" she shrieked, looking in every direction. On second thoughts, she added, "Who are you? What is this place? Answer me now!"

Whether it was rage or just sheer frustration, one couldn't tell.

"I will ask once again and this will be the final time," the masculine voice rumbled again, "your answer will determine if you would step out of that alive or in a coffin. I repeat, do you remember who you are?"

The voice was calm and composed, despite the obvious threats behind his words.

Athena stared up at the telecoms for a while in befuddlement, hoping she had just misheard and that this was all just a bad dream.

A minute passed and she suddenly noticed an anomaly. The bed had disappeared and she was seated on the ground like she hadn't been on a bed some minutes ago. How hadn't she noticed the bed's disappearance?

She swallowed, nervously. What was all happening? Who were these people? Questions kept running across her mind like haywire.

It was one thing to be kidnapped, but to lose her memories as well?! Also, why could she remember just her name and those of her parents, in addition to those two other names? Could these people holding her here have been responsible for her memory loss?

She knew in her heart of hearts that these names were important and could be taken from her if they could. Something at the back of her mind told her that she wasn't supposed to reveal a single name.

"No I don't remember who I am," she finally spoke out.

"Do you remember your name or anyone else's name?" the voice asked again.

She shook her head, more convinced that her action was for the best. "No."

Immediately the word left her lips, a beep came from somewhere.

"Miss Athena. We have a lie detector and it's a hundred percent accurate. It will go off immediately when it hears a lie. Neither you nor I can lie," said the voice, calmly.

"It would be best if you could just cooperate without hesitation, and I assure you, you will step out of these four walls on your own."

"Where will I go when I get out?" Athena asked. "Would I be free to leave this place and go home?"

"You will definitely be going home... dead or alive." The man's voice took a creepy edge.

"Hey, who are you anyways, and why do you keep threatening me?" Athena yelled. "This is kidnapping and I will make sure you pay for this experience!"

"Ah yes, experience. You've finally stated what your purpose here is, yourself. You have been brought here for just that and you're the one who's going to determine what the experience will do to you."

"Did I ask for this?" she frustratedly barked at the voice, like she'd heard another threat on her life.

"Miss Athena, I so do not have the time for a chitchat... and neither do you. You cannot lie here, I just remind you, as you answer my question... it is the last." The voice spoke dismissively.

"Aside from your name, which other names do you remember? Call them out." She hesitated and didn't know what to do at that moment. Her heart drummed in her chest as she wondered what she was to do. She couldn't tell him their names, she just couldn't. They felt very important to her.

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