21. You Gotta Be Brave, Kid

Start from the beginning

Natasha glanced at Bruce who tried to keep himself under control, she wasn't afraid to admit that she was fearful of what would happen if the Hulk was unleashed.

"Doctor? Bruce? You got to fight it. This is what Loki wants," Natasha told the man who growled in response. "We're going to be okay. Listen to me," she added.

"Are you hurt?" An agent questioned as he approached. There were 2 of them that appeared.

Natasha waved the two of them away hastily, "Bruce? We're going to be okay. All right? I swear on my life, I will get out of this. You will walk away and never ever..." Her speech was cut short.

Bruce was beginning to slowly transform into the big green guy, "You're life?" he growled out.

Natasha watched terrified as Bruce's voice changed from biter amusement and morphed into a growled threat. He slowly began to transform into the Hulk, his shirt tearing and he threw himself away from the redheaded woman who looks near terrified now. Bruce looked right at him as the lights go out.

"Bruce," Natasha spoke in a quiet whisper.

The transformation was complete and now the Hulk was unleashed, standing unsteadily on his feet as he let out a loud roar. The redheaded woman wrenched her foot free and stands to look at the Hulk who looks directly at her. Turning away, she starts to run up the catwalk as the Hulk chases after her.

Natasha swings over the catwalk and rolls under the turbine, as the Hulk tears down the stairs after her. The woman jumped through different small places as the Hulk grabs after her while he roars out loud, she sees her chance and crawls away under the pipes.

"Bring the carrier to a one-eight zero south. Take us to the water," Fury ordered as he walked into the Comms Deck.

The SHIELD agent turned to look at him, "We're flying blind. Navigation re-calibrating after the engine failure," he told him.

"Is the sun coming up?" Fury questioned.

"Yes, sir." The Agent answered confused.

"Then put it on the left. Get us over water. One more turbine goes down and we drop," Fury told him. "Alright trouble, go on down and find Maria," he told her as he lowered her onto the ground.

"Aunt Maria," Amelia whimpered quietly as she appeared next to the brunette woman.

Maria glanced down at the child, it was the first time that she was referred to as Auntie and she couldn't help but smile, "Hey, kid- Ouch, that looks like a nasty shiner you got there," she noted the cut and that smile turned into a frown. "Does it hurt much?" she questioned.

"Only a little bit. Grandpa Nick says that I am being brave though," Amelia said with a slight smile on her face. "Maria, do you know where my mama is?" she asked.

"I don't know where she is right now but I know that she will come and find you soon," Maria explained to the worried child. "For now, how about we try and get that cut patched up until medics get here and can do a proper job?" she asked.

"Okay," Amelia agreed quietly.

Sneaking out from under the engine where she was currently hiding out from the Hulk, she pulled her gun out as she heard footsteps approach and she holds it ready as she moves out from the pipes.

Out of nowhere, the Hulk jumped out and let out a roar. Firing a round of bullets at a pipe that was over his head, gas shoots out and she took the opportunity to leg it. Running along a narrow passage, the Hulk crashes through behind her and catches up with her. Just as she is about to run out of the passage, he backhands her against the wall.

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