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Author pov.

Here taehyung is in his room.

Here taehyung is in his room

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Drinking his wine.

Taehyung drank his wine in one go and wiped his lips, as a smirk formed on his face

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Taehyung drank his wine in one go and wiped his lips, as a smirk formed on his face.

"Oh..how much I wanna see your pretty small, body underneath me, that will be so good"

Prince taehyung closed his eyes at the thought of it and a moan escaped his pink lips.

" Shit, what are you doing to me poor girl"

(Author: ok as you all said you're comfortable with smut scene so..)

Prince taehyung hands slowly moves down to his pants, as he rubs his hands on his clothed member and moans.

"F*ck it, I want her so bad, hmm, or I will surely become mad"  Prince taehyung said and gone to wash himself up.


Here our king, kim seokjin..is sitting on his bed...thinking about someone else...

"Aish, why I am thinking of that girl, am I falling for her" King, kim seokjin shook his head and sighed as he thought to himself

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"Aish, why I am thinking of that girl, am I falling for her" King, kim seokjin shook his head and sighed as he thought to himself.

"Why I am feeling like to see her".."no I can't fall for her"

"Argh let's just sleepWith that he lay on his bed and slept.


Next morning.

Here y/n is working in the farm as she is helping her mom in farming.

" y/n I am going to drink some water..so please stay here and take care of the farm ok"

" Ok mom"  Y/n nodded her head with a smile as she continued to work, but suddenly she saw her mom was about to fall down, she immediately shouted and ran fast to her mom.

" MOM!!!"  Y/n grabbed her mother's arm and said.

"Mom..mom what happened"  Y/n was crying to see her mom in this condition. She carried her mom to her house, and finally she reached her house with her mom. She layed her mom on the floor and sprinkle some water on her face. She tapped her mom's cheeks softly as she said in a worried tone.

"Mom, wake up" And finally to her relief, her mom woke up.  Her mother felt her head dizzy as she held her head and y/n said.

"Mom, what happened"

" It's nothing, y/n leave it, let's go to farm"  She said and was about to stand up but y/n held her arm and said.

"No mom, you're not going anywhere, you're staying here rest ok"

"But y/n, I can't leave you alone" Her mother said in a worried tone.

"Mom, I won't destroy the farm, ok"

Her mother wasn't worried about that, she is worried about her daughter, what if someone did something to her, she is scared of that.

"No mom, you have to rest and that's it"  Y/n said sternly as her mother sighed and said "ok"  Y/n made her lay on her bed and went to farm.

She knows why her mother fainted cause they didn't had a proper breakfast, and it's really a hot day also. She hopes everything will be fine soon. Y/n sighed while wiping the sweat from her forehead with her dirty dress.

She continued to work but she didn't notice.

Someone is seeing her with his hungry eyes..

To be continued...

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